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Everything posted by Aliensurfer

  1. Nice little sunflower air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror I'm working here for the day, and just walked past it trying to find the IT department!
  2. "I'm about to take speeding points for my Politician husband what do I do?"
  3. As someone who writes these policies for companies, I can agree with the replies above, in that anything said over the IT systems is likely logged and could be used in any misconduct case. There doesn't always have to be a strict policy in place as case law has shown an implied monitoring when you're using company equipment. Anyone discussing this topic over work mail is mad and should stop immediately IMHO
  4. Aliensurfer

    Black rays?

    Personally, I'm not keen on black wheels on anything other than a black car. But that's the beauty of choice, you do what makes you happy and sod everyone else.
  5. Recently, airport car parks, and always next to something more expensive.
  6. The more I see the Azure, the more and more I like it.
  7. Just to note, take advice from Alex, there isn't anything he doesn't know* *Zed related if course, I'm insure of his knowledge around 17th century French architecture if you're looking for a quiz team member
  8. 😃 God told Peter to come forth and receive Eternal Life. But Peter came fifth and won a toaster
  9. Am i missing something here, what is a Nimdo?
  10. Again..... I'd not wanted to cheapen the thread by posting a picture of my '86 Princess with her top down...
  11. Blimey! He won't last long pulling out like that. Nice to see your camera working well.
  12. My trade in to a younger model has cost me around £30k... She has fantastic headlights though
  13. I get 56 ltrs of Tesco Momentum 99 for £79 that's £1-40 per litre. Motorway sServices are a complete rip off for fuel prices. Wow. I'm paying £1.50 pl for V Power up here
  14. I've always wanted a Mustang, bus handling or otherwise! Regarding that advert, light damage mentioned could be a way of saying it's a Cat D without saying it's a Cat D, but a quick check will discover that.
  15. Looks great. Will be my next purchase when I have the cash
  16. Few years ago I was going to buy M4 TTF or M8 TTF (my name is Matt Ford) for £200 ea. I decided not to.. How I regret that now given the enormous price hike. I've seen one I like which would work as a great plate for Dee and me, but I have better things to spend £500 on right now. Like food, and heating!
  17. I remember when he went to Real, I'm sure they said they made their transfer fee back within 24 hours due to shirt sales alone. The money in football is ridiculous, we all know this
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