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Everything posted by Frazo

  1. if you're gonna get bigger wheels and not lower it at the same time try and make sure that its a lower profile tyre , if you can keep the tyre diameter the same as it is youll be fine , if its bigger your car will look on stilts mate
  2. Oh yeah ofcourse they've got to make like a minimum 2 k on there sale but 2007 with 50 odd k miles on a mk2 tt they're definitely get more than 11 for it
  3. happy days lol , well budget is yet to be confirmed , im going to take the present car (Mk2 TT) to a dealership and see what i get there , its a 2007 expecting about 11k, but that tax bracket still seems unfair lol , having a few dollar left over isnt the worst as this is a car i want to get my hands dirty with , the tt scene in modifying is reserved for the very well off lol , if you want something changed they take it to the dealership and have them do it , you lot seem alot happier with working on your own cars haha
  4. but unfortunatley it does , i love my cars and try to have the best i can for my age and wage , tax aint payed weekly itl come out in a nice lump , cheerz for all the replies everyone , been alot of help in my decision! thanks again!
  5. Cheerz for all the help , I looked into the engine you told me and with all I've read the more money on tax doesn't justify the extra power , considering its heavier too , looks like ill go for a 2005 maybe , or can you get a 2006 on a lower tax bracket ?
  6. hey all , currently looking for my first zed and i really fancy a bay with the dual intake , any real difference in the engine? and what model car would i be looking for? please and thankyou!
  7. Out of interest aswell coz I'm not big on the different models yet , you know what it's like when you're getting into a new scene , what model/spec would that have been standard ? Nice shape, oh and the bumper there? Cheerz
  8. Yeah that was back when I had a zr and there was about twenty of them lined up that day lol , cani believe u had a picture Of you're car though lol
  9. Haha hang on a mo I actually think I have a pic if that Matt orange one , whis is it? Lol
  10. Wood , sts ( Scottish tuning show ) any of you lot then was it?
  11. Haha nice one mate , I remember seeing loads of them lined up at knock hill at ate a couple years ago , haha that's me at the w/e out for Halloween as psy ( gangnam style!) haha
  12. Hey everyone , I'm Fraser I'm from Dundee but recently moved to North Yorkshire , I'm 21 , I currently drive a mk2 tt 2.0 turbo fsi , the car is brilliant but for the price that Audi likes to smack on everything , modding just seems so painful , and I want something a little crazy also , so my car of choice is the 350 , gonna aim for Xmas time to buy I think , I'll most likely be picking your heads and looking through all you're buying guides and hopefully I should have one in good order ready for show season and get down to some meets , cheerz all!
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