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Mr Bump

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Everything posted by Mr Bump

  1. Thanks for the offer mate, I'd prefer to see the car personally. It's been great to be offered so much help and advice by so many members. Thank you. Were off to see a temper orange car Sunday all being well.
  2. Sorry forgot that bit. Im based near Northampton, with regards specs etc i have to be honest and say im not sure. My knowledge of these cars is limited to say the least but idealy looking for a UK car, in orange or the reare white. Obviously would need to have the service history etc but no hard and fast rules regards age etc as long as its the 'right car' for her.
  3. Agreed, not my choice but hey ho. The white however does look stunning.
  4. I head a quick look already, only slight problem i have is Jo (my other half) wants either sunburnt orange or the white! talk about picky.
  5. Good mornig all, as per the title im a newbe to the whole sprots car scene but the other half has set her heart on a 350Z so it seems a good idea to join a club to get handy info before buying one. I have to be honest and say my knowledge of the 350Z is limited to say the least, (i own a land rover 90!!). Been to view a couple of cars and fingers crossed will hopefully have one soon. Id also like to come to some of the gatherings and see whats what with these cars. Look forward to the future on here. Thanks Mark
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