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Everything posted by bizz

  1. A couple more updates... I had some more pics of the dash but you've seen the end result on that so will skip those. So on to the rear subframe. The solid bushes are now fitted with help from the missus and she has started to clean it too (note the solid diff bushes too) Last night I started work on the pedals. Two were obviously easy but the throttle pedal needed to be the one off my LS3. It was a different shape and orientation to the 350 pedal so I had to make a mount bracket Managed to get the Z pedal cover on for the stealth look Think it looks ok These little gems came in today from Clark Customs in Xmas wrapping paper lol. The GTR bearings now fit on the 350 hub carriers, took a bit of work but will be worth it in the long run With the bushes out Then I got on with fitting the Tarmac Sportz supplied Walbro fuel pump in the tank. The standard pump wasn't going to be up to standard of filling the swirl pot at the rate I needed so this should do the job nicely The complete assembly from the tank ] Broken down Went together fairly easily really after some slight mods to the base of the Walbro so the clips could go back on That's brought you pretty much up to date. The engine will be back on Thursday so will hopefully be swinging that back in to place very soon and starting the final jobs to get it ready to run
  2. Thanks dude, yeah it should be a great little piece of kit and works out better than buying a load of aftermarket gauges. Of course I am sure we can find a time to do that, maybe at the LakeZ meet BDC dates have been released Round 1 – Lydden Hill – April 19-20th Round 2 – Knockhill – June 7-8th Round 3 – Teesside – July 19-20th Round 4 – Lydden Hill – August 9-10th Round 5 – Silverstone (Super Pros only) – September 7th Round 5/6 – Anglesey – September 20-21st I will keep everyone posted on which rounds I will be doing as I will also be doing the Extreme Drift Championship this year which is a new one and should be awesome. Dates and venues will be released soon
  3. Hey guys, Yet more apologies for the lack of updates recently but I have been spending every minute I can in the garage recently so here are a few updates with pics. More detailed stuff to come soon. So the new HEL brake lines are here now so I can start pulling the slightly more complicated than normal brake system together. All braided lines. This little delivery came in from Tarmac Sportz too This is the Dash 2 from Race Technology, Nice little bit of kit which will work well with my ECU and make showing all of the engine information easier than using the standard dials or individual gauges. I also got a Walbro fuel pump to feed the swirl pot and all of the silicon hoses to complete the coolant and intake runs. On Friday night Adele came out to help me make a start on fitting the new bushes into the subframe ^^ This the only pick I have uploaded of this so far but the alloy, solid bushes are fitted in here now and the start of the poly bushes are in the arms Whilst all of this was going on, Jason from Clark Customs was working on modifying the rear hub carriers to accept the bigger GTR bearings Gave them a quick shot blast to clean them up The parts all done, almost ready for fitment after those rubber bushes have been replaced On Saturday, my friend Jon popped round and we set to work on fitting the dash board. It was a long day with lots and lots of trial fits and cutting. Also ended up with a Stanley knife buried in my thumb (I wish that was an exaggeration but unfortunately not ) Very happy with the final result and it turns out that the 350 dash lends itself very well to being modified. It was cut into 3 sections, the two end pieces were cut to fit around the cage leaving the large centre section which can be removed as required with ease. What do you think? I will tidy up the burst airbag cover which I was given and need to fibreglass up the parts where the A-pillar plastics would go but other than that it's pretty much ready. Just need to get it flocked. Do any of you guys know anywhere decent that can do that? Thanks for reading Cheers Bizz
  4. Ha its a small world man. If you hear me swearing, banging about or the angle grinder going in there you'll know what's going on lol
  5. I might have to give that a go though. Going to let Adele loose with the blow torch on a few of them
  6. Matt is right but I've also found that I can over cool my track car :-P there was a couple of rounds when I first put everything together that I ran a plate on the oil cooler to get it up to temp a bit faster. Now every cooler in the set up has it's own thermostat. I still control the oil cooler fan and the additional rad fan myself though to keep control over the temps. As the engine has now set off on it's way to DynoTorque in Birmingham for it's refresh I will start to put the thermostatic plates and filter in place. Pretty rubbish picture but my mates at Stan Robinson's (the haulier) turned up early lol. Tonight I've taken car to bits even more yet again. The rear subframe and all of the suspension arms so I can burn out the rubber bushes and replace them with the solid and polybushes. Tomorrow night I will be milling out parts of the rear hub carriers to give me space to fit the GTR bearings Pics to follow
  7. Hey dude, yeah that could work. Let's catch up at the weekend and see how the progress is
  8. Yeah I know. Like I tell anyone that's thinking of getting one you've got to keep it cool they really can't handle over temping
  9. Happy birthday dude. Wondered why you hadn't popped round. Hope you feel better soon
  10. Darlington - the land that time (and modern infrastructure) forgot.... Fairly accurate description from Lexx there. Luckily things are safe in my garage
  11. Thanks for all the kind words guys still such a long list to do so any hands that want to help are welcome to join in This is the latest delivery of parts fresh in from Tarmac Sportz Thanks Chris The unwrapped pics will be up soon. It would've been tonight but I've had a long ass day
  12. So tonight I put together my cooler pack for the V8, got to keep those things cool Just need to pipe it up and wait for the fans to arrive Engine and trans coolers Getting there The finished article (little cooler is for the powersteering oil) Keep an eye out as more should be arriving tomorrow from Tarmac Sportz
  13. Ha yeah don't remind me. Don't think I realised quite how much of project I was undertaking :-P Anyways I just used a standard spot weld drill bit from machine mart. They had some mini hole saw style ones as well but would recommend you stay away from those as they like to chase off into the distance. Make sure you have a good hammer and chisel there too to help persuade them off the metal ;-) I would say its worth it. There's lots of parts and metal work in there so it's all kg's of saving
  14. Good evening 350z-uk guys Once again sorry for the recent lack of updates. I have been solidly working on the car in the background but doing small jobs like measuring brake, clutch and powersteering lines. Hopefully these will be here soon for fitment. Also been doing things like tinkering with the lock kit to see what else I need to do to get the max out of it, above and beyond what GT Factory thought they could get from the kit. Project Touge were also in my workshop on Thursday night doing part one of their build blog so I will post that up on here when it's available. Finally the car is due to be mapped in the last week of Feb so the race is now on to get the car to a point where it can run and move about to do its thing on the dyno!!! cannot wait for that day. Maybe a few of the Norfolk guys or anyone that wants a ride out can come along and say hi. Anyways tomorrow I'll be putting the radiator on and the other three oil coolers so pics of that will follow soon Cheers Bizz
  15. bizz

    350z steering wheel

    I've got one too. Mine is better than Lee's
  16. its a toss up between knowing you're going to ruin a set in 10 minutes and needing a decent amount of grip. The top people will use top quality tyres all round, people like me use whatever they can get, and people in the middle use new budget tyres on the rear with descents up front Thanks Matt Kyle Matt's right we like loads of grip on the back especially when in a competition. If I had the money I would be running R888's all round but unfortunately that's not going to be the case plus it's outside of the BDC regulations for tyres on the rear. We set the cars up more for grip so the car wants to pull straight all of the time, this gives you the best in drift speed. When I first setup the skyline it would get it's tail out really easily which is great for a learner but so so slow. I'll be making the 350z so that if you're not aggressive with it to keep the tail end out it will straighten up. It's taken me a while to get this understanding of it but there is still a lot of learning to do p.s. if you know anyone that could help me out with the tyre situation please put them in touch
  17. Wish I could afford to drift on 19's man. 285's in 18's are expensive enough lol
  18. Me too lol Looking forward to seeing them fitted. Also I know how much lock I'm going to be able to get now I've got the right wheels
  19. haha the girlfriend was jealous that I had new wheels and I think she was trying to knick one whilst I was occupied with the camera. Needless to say it didn't work haha
  20. These arrived at my front door this morning.... Some really special COSMIS MR-ii's 18's by 9.5 for the front and 18x 10.5 for the rear
  21. Lol don't tempt me man, I'm still paying for the other deliveries I've had Wasso, a car is never too lady like, they love a good thrashing and the auto box just requires a bit more practice. It would be epic!
  22. HAPPY NEW RIM DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many thanks to Tarmac Sportz Chris for sorting these out
  23. How very dare you get a delivery like that without consulting me I could have weighed it down a lot more with V8 parts. Looking really sweet though man, you'd better come out and shred some tyres with all that torque on tap Great work!
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