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Everything posted by bizz

  1. The first pic you put on from the front looks awesome :-)
  2. I love your way of thinking! Leon I'll see you at 8am tomorrow :-P
  3. Woohoo!! and winner is Leon I couldn't find a nice place to get my brake lines through the floor at the back of the car from the T-piece so I made this little cover so I could put a grommet on the entry point of the brake line and a nice smooth run for the line under the floor which is nice and smooth. (don't pay too much attention to the welding I will tidy that up ) Thanks to all the replies, more will be uploaded at the weekend
  4. No one's got it right yet. The answer will come soon I think if you strip it right down without the bumper bars and stuff on it I think it would easily fit. It's about 4.25-4.5m long with it as short as possible. 8 guys with wire wool, DA sander, wet and dry paper and wire brushes will soon have all of that rust off. It's only surface rust so will come off pretty quickly
  5. Great guesses guys but still no one has got it keep on going Arr tell me about it. It happened on my last run down to Jason's at Clark customs it had rained a bit and the salters were out. Even with the tarp over the car it didn't stand a chance :-( Don't worry I've recruited a few guys from work to help me do all the prep for paint. Many hands make light work but the more the merrier if anyone else would like to join in :-)
  6. Hey I'm back.... Been busying away for a few more days and not a great deal to show for my work. I never appreciated how long it takes to fabricate stuff from scratch until I started this build. My To Do list before the Dyno day is getting shorter though Brake Bias valve is now in it's place This will be accessible under the panel where the airbag would be and next to the ECU A quick "Answers on a postcard" game on this one... I'll look forward to seeing your responses Yesterday I dropped the doors off at friend of mine whose good with bodywork but first I wanted to take a bit of weight out of them so the door bars have gone. Spot welds drilled out and a couple of cuts and they came out easy And finally........................................... I HAVE A CLUTCH THAT WORKS Simple thing but if you don't have it your car is pretty much useless haha. Tomorrow night I'll be out there again making some mods to the fuel system and getting the pipe routing properly sorted. We're still on for the 23rd April for the dyno session, then it'll be the big tear down and the last few bits of tidying up before paint
  7. Yeah that would be easy Stevo. Where abouts do you want it? We'll have to get some custom lines made up either solid or braided we just need to get around the abs box but I've seen how to do that somewhere Haha nice one. At least I know the car will be safer than those then :-P
  8. It's only really used as a permanent handbrake like holding it on the trailer or in the pits. Also means I can turn off the rear brakes when do a burnout to warm the tyres without cooking the rear brakes. On the skyline when I wanted to have the handbrake held on I used a bungee cord on to the roll cage lol thought this was a bit better
  9. I do have an opinion and as soon as she tells me what it is I'll let you know. Lol I did think I was setting myself up for that :-P
  10. Hi all, mini update for you we now have a properly fitted seat, handbrake and line lock. that will do for tonight, will have to go back to the list to see what to do next. Fabricating brackets, etc. from scratch takes sooo long Low seat rails with modded floor Quick shot of the handbrake position At first I had it beside the seat but it didn't feel right when I pulled it so cut a little bit out of the gearstick mount so I could pull it more towards myself. It's a lot better now. Was such a small change but I knew it would bother me every time I drove it if I didn't do it right now Now the line lock Don't look at the pipe routing but the hand brake and line lock now look at home Still slowly moving forward...... I'll do my best to keep you all up to date
  11. I'm blown away this is awesome. Thanks to all that are supporting. Got to decide what colour to get, I'll ask the missus in the morning what she wants too
  12. 10PM and your getting ready That is dedication (or desperation ) Each bit finished is one less bit to do so it must be getting easier Don't forget we are there with you, supporting you every step of the way (from the comfort of an armchair and on an iPad but in spirit at least haha the night is young still. Going to cut a couple more bits of metal ready for tomorrow then call it a night. Been out here since 5pm tonight. Appreciate all of the support from you guys. It really does help There is plenty of mechanical stuff left to be done so if you ever want to head North there's space for you here
  13. Cheers guys. Things are heading in the right direction, not sure about getting any easier though and the list is still very long lol Getting ready to get the seat in permanently tonight
  14. Ha no problem, they won't let us take passengers on an event but I will be heading up there to Crail at some point so we'll get you in then Thanks There were a couple of reasons for it. When I get some more cash I am going to be flat flooring the car and putting a large venturi out the back so I wanted the exhaust up and out of the way ready for that in the near future. I'm running the standard tank as thats steel, low and in the centre of the car. The exhaust will give off plenty of heat but we are going to make a double skinned, fibreglass filled box to cover it. Also there will be slots cut underneath and the plastic rear window will have some holes cut in it to let more heat out. I thought it also looked quite cool hehe Haha did they approve? Can't wait to hear it under load
  15. Nnnooooo don't do that lol. It's just a bit easier to upload straight off my phone to the page. I'll do a better job in the future I promise ;-) Thanks man. Still a long road ahead but it's nice to know we've got to that milestone. Can't wait to drive it now :-D I didn't know how to embed the video so the link was the best I could do.
  16. HELLO All my 350z friends Firstly, thank you all for your support!! I have been reading all of your posts behind the scenes through email updates and this is the first time I've actually been able to sit down with my laptop and camera to update you guys so I will do my best now... Ok I think we left off at doing the wiring harness for the engine and car. After being dropped in it by the guy from work who does this stuff for a living I had to take it on with the help of a couple of mates now and then. In all it took about two whole weekends and 5 evenings to get to a running state. Just a few more bits to add in and some tidying to do. Part of the relay and fuse board Bit of the wiring and new plugs to go in. (Don't worry I will tidy the wires up more than that) Whilst on one of my few trips down to Clark Customs, Jason's Dad, Adrian, made a mount for my Dash 2 unit. Note the dash is in place Then with the unit on I thought it would be rude at that point not to try out my wiring and see what it looks like I put a tiny fuse in each of the relay's just to make sure that nothing was going to get fried if it all went wrong but luckily we were all good! Next I got delivery from K&N, rated to 800bhp this should give me plenty of air for the V8. The little blue thing is a drycharger which takes out all of the big particles so it doesn't clog up the main filter element The engine was back from having all of its new bits fitted from Dynotorque but I still needed to fit the oil pickup tube for the new sump so off came the front cross member and it let me do this The engine is completely dry of oil but we have packed the oil pump so after a few seconds of cranking with no spark plugs we should hopefully get oil pressure The cross member and rack back on I put on my new custom line for the rack. These were needed because there wasn't much clearance between the rack and the sump but will also be needed when I move the rack forward OK you guys keeping up... Next was to fit the pulley to the new power steering pump and fit the remote oil filter housing, thermostatic plate and lines so the cooler pack can get fitted, The little black line hanging off from underneath the filter is the really accurate digi gauge I use for pressure testing at work as I couldn't afford to get an incorrect oil pressure reading when first cranking the engine With the front coming on well time to do a bit to the brakes at the back so new discs and pads courtesy of Tarmac (LEGEND), new braided lines and a quick caliper clean we got this Adele has been cleaning the front calipers ready for a paint and also did the rear subframe Random pic of the ECU for you all. The guys at Emerald are absolute gents!! could not recommend them high enough, always willing to help and the software is great to use About now I was down in Norfolk ready for the second attempt at the dyno. Some of you might recognise the shed from earlier in this thread lol Cooler pack and things are in place, just need adding fluids and stuff and we're getting close Whilst there I did a quick install of the fuel system, don't worry the cable ties will be replaced with more permanent features soon. In that small space is the swirl pot (Clark Customs), Bosch high pressure fuel pump, Turbosmart FPR and Sytec high flow fuel filter. I also used the Pro-Gold fuel line which is bloody expensive but is great to work with and looks neat. Don't forget the Walbro pump in the tank from Tarmac Oh yeah needed to get some rubber ready for the dyno so the 10.5j Cosmis got a treat The transmissions on these get really hot so instead of me resting my hands on top of the lines to determine whether the fan was required to cool it I've opted for a more robust technique of the thermostat. It's a bit tight right now but will serve the purpose for the dyno, it will also be kept under a little box when it's all done A quick shot of the front of the engine. The air filter has just been slung on there, when the bonnet arrives and head lights go in I will make an Alu box to go around it to keep it cool. You can also see the Clark Customs header tank and the powersteering cooler in place too Right now on to the exhaust, some of you may have seen it on facebook (don't forget to like my page if you haven't already ) Underneath Complex rear piping to go over and under the ARB and then up behind the rear subframe The rear boxes Great work there by Jason at Clark Customs a true artist when it comes to fabricating The exit So..... I got this far after hours and hours of work and in the morning of getting the car ready to hop on the trailer ready for the dyno we just had to bleed the clutch and brakes. This is where is all fell apart after about 2.5hours of trying doing the usual procedures of pumping the clutch, trying a pressure feed system removing the remote bleed system and fitting the standard one and forcing the fluid up from underneath it wouldn't bleed!!! This meant we couldn't get on the rollers. There was a chance we could have gone on without a clutch but that's great until you need to cut drive from the engine so we opted to give it a miss. I was at this stage >>>> with everything by then so had to something to cheer me up so gave the guys at Emerald another call they said bring her down and we'll get her running so I can do some testing and stuff up here in Darlington If you're wondering who the gimp is that says "it's wobbling the trailer" that's a very tired and excited me lol I hope you have enjoyed the update, unfortunately you didn't get to hear it on song but we are booked in again for April 23rd and we won't miss that one!! Look forward to hearing your comments and I will try not to leave it so long next time before an update
  17. Never a dull moment dude, see you this eve cheers buddy, me neither, it'll be a big relief when it runs
  18. Cheers man, yeah it's the biggest bit of work along those lines I've done as well. I made the vehicle harness for my skyline but an engine harness is definitely a level above. Thanks for the support
  19. Lol I wish Keyser. Ok time for a rubbish update lol I'm currently in Sweden so sorry for the lame amount of pics... So... The engine is back after it's refresh... Great turn around from DynoTorque in Birmingham. Craig there fitted the new cam, cam springs, seals, guides, seats and lapped them in. Fitted the new head gaskets and gasket kit, gave it a clean and reconditioned the oil pump. Hopefully shoudl get a little extra torque and hp now Yet more braided lines from HEL arrived. These ones are the clutch feed, remote bleed line and two new lines for the powersteering rack. The brake lines are all here now so will be putting them in whilst Jason is completing the exhaust on Sunday and doing other little mods I require I got some really bad news on Thursday though, which was the contractor that makes all of the wiring harnesses for our prototype engines at work has been sent to another country for a few weeks so won't be able to complete my harness in time I honestly could have cried as I really don't have the time to be making a new engine and vehicle harness. So.......... this was the view I had all weekend........ Luckily I had some help from some mates from work so have pulled a good hole into it but at least 15 hours has already been spent on taking all of the redundant wires from the harness and then started to rebuild it. There is a long road ahead. Still aiming to be on the dyno next thursday though, YES I AM MAD!! I'm not going down without a fight. I'll do my best to keep you up to date on the status but think I will definitely be living in the garage this weekend and the first part of next week. To be continued.....
  20. Well done man nice to see there is another LS brother on the way now. Think I had better empty my PM inbox ready
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