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Everything posted by bizz

  1. "Spotted" on the skyline owners club and driftworks. The 10 Ultralite wheels I ran on the skyline last season. Bizz's 10 Ultralite Atec II's Happy to divide up into a 4 and 6 or what ever if you're not interested in all 10. Great, strong wheels, perfect for drifting and track as well 18x9.5 et 35 If you can pass this about a bit too incase you know someone that might be interested that would be great. I'll do a proper for sale thread with pics of each wheel when I get back home Thanks Bizz
  2. I can see why lol :-) someone try a design with those colours
  3. Sounds awesome. Hoping to be there this year :-)
  4. I think the first grey works well I can't get a snapshot of it on here at the moment. What do you all think?
  5. That is looking sweet. The base colour doesn't have to be black, my original plan was to have a dark base colour then with a bright colour on top. Also from experience Black can be hard to clean haha. If you want to try a different base colour that would be great so I can see what suits best. But liking this design :-) Good work man
  6. I'm based up in Darlington (North East) It's already out of the car had it taken out with all the other glass.... well with everything else it was ever fitted with in the factory lol
  7. Yeah those boss dog guys look good but think they might already have their fill I'm not sure really who is about up this way to be honest. My skyline was done by a friend of mine but don't think he will want to do another after the mission it was last time hehe.
  8. Good point I was thinking of this .... Both look good. Maybe a mix of line thicknesses might work too.
  9. maybe chuck a couple of extra's in too ....... after doing what Stevo says haha
  10. Right I'm back sorry for disappearing but when you guys were firing your ideas up yesterday I was on a plane and when I eventually got in it was too late to reply. Stevo - Liking the car you posted but I think it could do with a little more on it as it might be a bit too plain. The colours are good though nice deep base with bright on top. Matt - Do you know any car wrapping places that might be interested? Tomb - I like your #3 design any chance of seeing it with some different colour themes pretty please?
  11. Looking very well mate what more can I say??? Awesome!!
  12. I should be replacing mine with a Plexi-glass version so mine might be up for sale if that's any good to you ;-)
  13. I like the colour fades but its going to be an expensive thing to do I think with vinyl Keep the ideas coming through
  14. Agreed but the design itself is coming along
  15. Don't worry about that man. My plan is actually to get the whole car build, running and possibly mapped before I then take the whole thing back to bits so it can be painted in full. It's a really long process but as you said it would be so annoying if I had to start cutting and welding through all of my nice paint
  16. Heading in the right direction
  17. Agreed with Lee on this. I had a 57 plate pathfinder and it was doing exactly what you are saying above apart from mine wasn't just at motorway speeds. It eventually kept putting up DPF faults on the dash sorry dude
  18. Yeah liking the mix of colours just need to get some detail on the car. Also the genuine ings kit is very nice :-)
  19. Not me! Been in Madrid hanging with Monster Energy Stop rubbing it in man hope you had a good time
  20. I hope so buddy. Got Cougar store now working away trying to get the polybushes sorted for the engine mounts so I can start fabbing them up. Now about to make sure the gearstick is in the right place then I know what other bits need to be cut out Can't wait to have it fixed in place Then its on to subframe modding
  21. Anyone come up with anything new yet?
  22. I have cut away a bit of the fire wall already but the pic came out terrible. The tunnel is perfectly sized for the gearbox which is brilliant compared to the absolute nightmare it was on the skyline I'll have to cut away some more of the firewall to get it a bit further back but not very much. I just want to double check where the gearstick sits and I'll make my mind upo from there Haha thanks man, it's a lot simpler than expected at the moment but there's some serious modding to come!! Just glad this bit has been straight forward
  23. Hey all, Today has been a busy day.... The car is hovering now she's off the trestle ready for the engine Found this hiding under the work bench I know it needs a bit of a clean but the will happen later. It got covered in oil when the powersteering pump blew The front... MMMMM Moroso pan fitted (the first new thing fitted in the entire build) Transmission on Here we go.... The first test fit] It was a bit high and couldn't go as far back as I wanted so did a little bit of surgery and cut a little bit of the bulkhead to let it sit back a bit further And here it is The drain plug is pretty level with the front cross member Transmission fits in the tunnel a treat without any mods I can see so far the gearstick looks to align with the hole too OIl pan clearance around the rack and cross member And from the other side So far this is looking like an easier install than the skyline. Still got some more metal to cut out to let it back then I can start to make the engine mounts Hope you all like
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