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Everything posted by bizz

  1. Welcome back man p.s. you still need to come an visit
  2. Jumping ahead of myself a little bit with the pics but its SAT ON TWO WHEELS!!! Tonight it'll be down on all four and on the trailer
  3. Wow that does look absolutely awesome seriously mean. would like to see how the z pulls it off
  4. Hey man will do but it will have to be the weekend cos I fly out to Sweden on Weds and not back until friday night
  5. Hey guys, Sorry for the lack of pics from this week, it has been manic, also had a couple of days where I couldn't touch the car But.... on a positive note, the diff now fits and wheels are starting to go on. Pics will be uploaded very soon
  6. Diemax Motorsport in Dundee, any size you could dream of and great price, just give them a call 01382 826999 ask for Steven and tell them Bizz put you in touch Merry xmas!!
  7. Right I'm off this week and getting stuck in. It was all about measuring and drawing up some new bushes I'm having made to get the skyline diff fitted in to the 350 sub frame Just a quick pic of the trans mount in place This is the project for this week (Currently upside down but you get the idea)
  8. Cheers man will keep it in mind Thanks dude, glad my work isn't going to waste!!
  9. The inner diameters look completely different on them too. Check out these pics from a sligthly different angle Do the seating cones come in different I/D's?
  10. Hahaha you guys will never know can't wait to get it fitted up this weekend
  11. Yes mate. I think the angle or diameter on the part which you tighten down on to is slightly different as it doesn't sit very well on the lower arm
  12. I'm still waiting for "some" bits man, tell Father Xmas to hurry his ass up lol
  13. Updates... So these are the steps so far.... 1. Cereal box... 2. 3D model 3. Machining... A nice simple project for the brand new multi axis CNC machine installed YESTERDAY at Diemeax Engineering in Scotland I will put all of their details up on here so if anyone ever needs anything like this doing these are the guys to do it. I usually send them my own 3D models to work from but as you can see they can make a part from the drawing off the back of a napkin or out a of a cereal box Pictures of the finished product to be posted very soon
  14. Hi Guys, I am getting on with my build and whilst I am waiting for the transmission mount to be machined I started looking at the other parts I had and I noticed this... It's not too easy to see but these are two different sizes. Is this right? Or do I have one UK upright and the other is JDM?? Thanks in advance Bizz
  15. bizz

    2014 Calendar

    Think I'll have to wait until next year to enter this. Doubt I'll get in with my bare shell pics lol
  16. Also known as Father Christmas but delivers all the way through the year
  17. TOY!?! that things a beast!!! Like something out of robot wars!! nah, straddle carriers are small compared to proper RTG's and Quayside Cranes (Ship to shore) On those too ;-)
  18. bizz


    Just like everyone else has said it could be your driving style but that aside. Check the brand of tyres and state of tyres. The tyres could be really old too. Also get your geo checked. Is it lowered at all?
  19. Lol they're awesome but keep fit climbing up and down with all my equipment. I do the full dockside range
  20. I'm an engineering consultant yes it's as dull as it sounds lol But I do sometimes drive around in my other toy...
  21. A quick snap from today The transmission mount This will be winging its way up to DIEMAX Engineering in Scotland where those guys will turn it into something special They will also be helping me with the prop and other machining bits.
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