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Everything posted by RobPhoboS

  1. Subscribed, it would be great to see some 'how to' type of videos Oh, and what differences have you found with the VDC fuse out ?
  2. hah, lets see how my one goes For reference the Rupes bigfoot is the 21 body but with the 15 head (gives a better cut).
  3. That was with a Rupes Bigfoot (will find out what model tomorrow). Oh that's not the worst of it, trust me ! That cobwebbing is all over but there are plenty of other nasty parts too, we just wanted to experiment to find a combination for when I do this. I'm still trying to work out what ceramic coating to go for, possibly Crystal Serum if it'll work on such soft paint. BTW - don't just polish it and sling wax on it, try and ceramic coat it or put PPF on typical panels.
  4. Got a nice combination for my Kuro black which needs tidying up soon. I tried a few things in the past about 2 years ago but 2 tweaks made the difference. I had tried Megs 105 & 205 and they did ok but not that great, I can't remember what pads I used right now though. However the difference now is Rupes and the yellow Rupes pad. Before: After: There are some deep scratches that'll need sorting but I'm sure I can get it looking nicer, then use Polished Angel cosmic 2 (iirc) on top.
  5. link just goes to ecp You have to tap it in yourself. It's a bloody stupid website thinking it's being clever. I wanted some cheap copper core spark plugs but it insisted I typed that shite in
  6. I didn't say that it doesn't work - obviously it can, it's just nowhere near as good as actually finding your balls and going up to a girl and talking to her. You don't need a bar, you go shopping, to the gym, gallery\gig whatever. You know very quickly if you're into each other or not, and it saves a heap of time and obviously it mostly rejections in the end, that's just how it is ! Use something like speed dating to get your experience up if you've not done it for a while. (tough love here..) So you're telling me you need your friends to come and hold your hand so you can meet women ? That's just an excuse. Believe it or not, going out getting pi**ed doesn't help
  7. My advise is don't bother. They get inundated with messages (good and bad) all day long, so they'll not see it, not interested or just looking for validation. Stick to meeting them in real life, and sure maybe have this on the backburner (ie tinder when having a shite)
  8. Any help ? (possibly not but maybe for someone else)
  9. He has an E46 328i, welded diff, stripped out, buckets and belts. Just getting photos if you're interested? (pm) It's for sale if you want it,it's based in Birmingham I think.
  10. I'd probably buy one that's already sorted for purpose. I'll ask a friend that has one.
  11. I'll try something similar then, Adrian, if it dies then I'll buy one from you (if you let me heh)
  12. Quite hard to do that on the road, then post it on youtube... Also I know the roads he was on as they are my local ones, you can't pelt it down there, narrow and bumpy as fook in places.
  13. Kind of funny watching it when it's a car you know intimately (so to speak) !
  14. I did see these, they look very neat and I saw one chaps install with it or something similar but over my budget for a simple gauge. Also, it's 100% going in the cubby, I need my air vents
  15. I'm just looking for a temperature sensor gauge kit, loads on ebay and I'm looking at the budget end of the spectrum, as the gauge will end up gaffer taped in the cubby hole I think Anyway, if anyone has any experience in this area any pointers would be appreciated.
  16. If you read the other post they are slightly better. So all cool. (proceeds to watch video - and it probably contradicts that hah - conclusion at 6m10)
  17. Does it still run or totally kaput ? If it runs, can you confirm where the noise is coming from, using either a loooong screw driver or a mechanics stethoscope. Everyone automatically assumes the worst but sometimes it's not ! If you're unsure, take it to Kaizer or Abbey. For example - read this and look what people assumed first: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/101584-bad-engine-noise-any-ideas/ And check out what Sly at Kaizer did It might still be burning some oil but they do anyway, and yeah maybe new rings in the future.
  18. I did my first track day on Saturday (well, take 2)... in the snow & sleet Was great ! (yes yes I'm getting some mild spacers at the end of the month)
  19. https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/engine/oil-pans/124-350z-de-aam-competition-oil-pan-spacer-aam35m-ops.html You can get Mishimoto radiator/cooling fans if you feel the temps on that side rise a bit too much. As well as a bigger power steering cooler. I've no idea how much those parts are required (?).
  20. Love this kind of build as its similar to what I'm doing hah. I've had soooo many screws in tyres, usually in the bloody side too That's really amazing by circuit days to do that, very good to know that. Everything is looking good, add an oil pan spacer and cooler (with a temp gauge) if you haven't already. These engines run hot and need more oil (imho), something I wish I'd done a while ago. How are you finding the spacers? I was looking at 15mm max on the front and maybe 15/20/25mm on the rear.
  21. If you're early, there are about 3-4 spaces directly in front of the shop, so you'd be facing the window. If you're unlucky there are some spots across the road, or if you can't find anything, York Road (GU1 4DS) multistory car park is probably the biggest one nearby (10 min walk).
  22. It's a great store, just choose your timing wisely ! If you go late Saturday morning or afternoon - the place can get overrun with kids and teenagers. It might be worth giving them a call or an email to enquire when it's good so that you can spend a couple of hours finding something you like
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