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Everything posted by RobPhoboS

  1. Definitely a fun car to have, especially as a company one too
  2. Likewise, I'll keep an eye on this too and see how it looks after some time, cheers for popping it up
  3. Great cip. And absolutely no doubt one of the most important musicians to influence 1000's of others. RIP Sir !
  4. Just to echo Strudul, I also have a set, fitment, quality and looks are excellent (I have an upcoming thread with some snaps), so if anyone is looking to get some - DO IT ! I've always been concerned with diluting steering feel when using spacers. So I opted for 15mm front and 25mm rear and didn't noticed any change in the feel on day-to-day driving, and on track next week (tbh I probably could have gone with 20mm)
  5. I'm guessing you mean the upper lights ? The easiest way it would be to pull the unit and power it up off of the car. I'm guessing it is a duff bulb but as to how to replace it, I've no idea.
  6. I'm not going to go further into this, so unsubbing from this topic.
  7. So why were several other people arrested ? It's NEVER just one person, others albeit might not be helping they KNOW and aren't reporting. And IS did claim responsibility for it via Aamaq News Agency.
  8. In person, it's one thing - on a forum it's entirely another. Neither have any constructive effects for any of us here, and both are utter bullcrud.
  9. TBH we'd probably all get along better here if we didn't talk about politics and religion.
  10. It won't make any difference aside from noise/visual appeal with a CAI. Proven that the stock one is 'best' with a suitable filter in place, and if an aftermarket CAI does manage to get a few more BHP, you won't see it without a remap unfortunately.
  11. Yep it totally makes sense, although it's bloody hard not to do 'just one more thing'. I have a set list of things I want to do, and it hasn't massively grown over the last year, I guess technically it's shrinking as I'm chipping away at it over a long time Looking forward to seeing what you think of the next additions
  12. More importantly... when are you fitting a BGW to the Z ? (actually genuinely curious if you will fit something, and what if so)
  13. Probably not this year for me, I'll have to stick with mpss and potentially mps4 on the rear (mpss not available in our size), however I'd like a second set of wheels for the track I think. Not sure about running those tyres in year round conditions largely on the road.
  14. Since it popped up on my YT feed...
  15. Good point, I didn't see that he said transmission !
  16. Hopefully I'll finally be slinging the temp gauge in on Friday evening. I just wondered 2 more things prior to starting... Which side of the car should I get the cable running through the firewall (is there one side that's easier?) ? Where the hell is the hole in the firewall ?
  17. That's definitely buggered. I've got a pair of super pro poly bushings for sale if you need them. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/107093-poly-bushings-for-sale-superpro-prothane/
  18. I've got a 19 row cooler and I'm tracking the car.
  19. It's less than an hour to do the comp arms, don't get ripped off if it's that!
  20. I leave my torque wrench in the car (of course not set!), so if I've had the tyres done or whatever, I drive around the corner and check it myself Also after they have been taken off it's worth torquing them, drive a little and check again.
  21. You'd be VERY hard pushed to find an NSX-R (gen 2) for under £200k now (more like £220k). Even the normal one is kicking around £100k. My mate got his at the right time, it's soo awesome to drive - it's 100% like a little brother to the F50 (yes I'm a git, driven that too), extremely raw and totally alive if that makes sense. There's soo many cars I'd choose too but I love V10's and straight 5's. Either a combo of: Gallardo Superleggera (manual if one is kicking around again) + Quattro 20V RR (boost it up a bit) Viper 2017 ACR + E60 M5 LHD manual (and funds to keep repairing it and filling it up) 997 GT3 RS Murcielago LP640 (manual pref)
  22. Good seeing stuff like this, reminds me (obvious repost here): (awesome channel that one)
  23. I returned those exact sensors, they are crap ! It's also immediately harder to start the car too.
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