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Everything posted by RobPhoboS

  1. Is replacing the y-pipe an easy job to do at home ?
  2. Obviously if you want to buy a system like that, go for it but I've gotta say I check them every week. It only takes a couple of minutes, it gives you a chance to take a look at the tyres to see how they are doing, plus you may spot something else whilst doing it. All this automatic stuff scares me.
  3. Had to quote that again. And as mentioned if anyone is truly interested in Porsche's (of the carrera variety) let me know as the guys I know have things from the 60's up to carrera gt's etc.
  4. I know everyone is different, each to their own and all of that but to me most of this thread is 'how to ruin your car and waste cash' I still don't and won't 'get' the spazzy wheels look, it seems like the car has been dropped from a great height and mashed the suspension. Anyway, if it brings joy to the owners, all good
  5. There is/was a nice RX7 for sale on the OC, he had the interior upholstered in leather, looked chuffing marvellous. Has anyone done that in a 350z ?
  6. I prefer cats to dogs BUT he is a lovely looking doggy, very proud of himself
  7. The prices on the Supra and NSX (especially) have firmed up far too much for what they are (IMHO) which is a shame as it'll be a long time until they drop down again. Loose some weight then, and you'll go faster
  8. I bought a bottle of this: http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk/valeting-and-bulk/valet-pro-citrus-pre-wash/prod_728.html It works very well and I know I'll be using it every week before I wash the car now. It's best to rinse off with a pressure washer rather than a hose, I'll get some before/after photo's next time
  9. When going to 2nd gear (esp from cold) it's worth taking your time, double de-clutching: 'With this method, instead of pushing the clutch in once and shifting directly to another gear, the driver first shifts the transmission into neutral before shifting to the next gear. The clutch is pressed with each change.' Give it a go and see what you think, unless you've been doing that already of course.
  10. Must own the following Japanese cars in due course: NSX RX7 Supra LFA I nearly bought an RX but the 350z won me over.
  11. If you're serious about any Pork, PM me and I can put you in touch with friends that know them extremely well.
  12. (may need to refine search) 350z: http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131923 370z: http://www.carfolio....car/?car=191510
  13. I imagine it's going to be a bit slippy at the moment but I'm up for a few trips in the new year me thinks
  14. Posted on another site but I thought some people here would be interested: ------------------------- The Nurburgring is SAVED! RZ COMMENT: At last, the Nürburgring can resume driving Christian Lindner (no relation to the Hotel operator) for agreement at the Nürburgring (Google Chrome Auto translation) http://www.rhein-zeitung.de/regional...tml#articletop Comment by Christian Lindner The 27th November 2012 will go down as one of the most important days in the 85 year history of the Nürburgring: Two bankruptcy experts from Koblenz and Trier has managed previously from dozens of other would-be experts deep in local politics and economy after years of Chaos tour in the morass driven track in the Eifel mountains to move back on solid ground. With the negotiated by comparing them with the ring operators NAG ends a seemingly hopeless situation - which has to account for the state government. Only the government had completely covered Beck invested 330 million euros at the Nurburgring, they transferred the operation of the circuit before the state election in 2011 dubious contracts to two businessmen - just to get the ring from the neck to create. Negotiators Hendrik Hering, Rhineland-Palatinate, then economics minister, was even ready for it, in fact reveal any influence from the government as the owner of the ring on the operating business. The country remained the pressing ring debts, the business at the Nürburgring and made some others now. It was even worse: the country and its Desired partner fell out soon, the lease did not drain as agreed, the country tried unsuccessfully to sue the owner of his property, the EU investigation for illegal subsidies of 484 million euros - and the Country and Ahrweiler owned holding company slid into bankruptcy in the summer. also this article http://www.rhein-zeitung.de/nachrich...id,519857.html Bing translation The Nurburgring has a future again Rhineland-Palatinate. A comparison is primarily about numbers. The most important figures in the agreement recorded on Tuesday are on page 20 of the extensive document. There is talk under paragraph 29 (part D) payments. Meticulously listed, which will be charged with whom. Furthermore, the restorers and the tenants on the ring have negotiated several months. Light at the Nürburgring: negotiations for a comparison to the ring were almost as tangled as the route of the ring-racers. But now, a comparison between tenants and renovation was finally achieved. Thus, a long dispute which would have threatened the future of the Eifel course is averted. At the end of the table, the following sentence is: "the parties agree to the settlement of all amounts so that on the return date of the NAG on the NG which is to pay total amount of EUR 272 480." NAG behind the symbol Nürburgring Automotive GmbH is known (NAG), so the society of tenants. NG stands for the insolvent Nürburgring GmbH and the old, nearly State-owned holding company. With the payment of those, 272 480 euros all claims are satisfied. After a multimillion dollar golden handshake that doesn't sound certainly. The repayment of the tourism tax comprehensive 3.2 million euros (called also game Bank levy) the restorers have apparently no longer pushed. They had withheld the tenants once because they claimed this amount for themselves - the starting point all the controversy. The lease contract negotiated by the former economy Minister Hendrik Hering (SPD) is actually blurred at this point. A judicial dispute the restorers had can be not sure to prevail. This can be read off quite a defeat for the Government of Mainz, which always did, as she would be with the Treaty on the safe side. Apparently she wasn't. That insist the saviour of companies not on the game Bank levy, has yet a different, perhaps even weightier reason. You have the NAG inevitably driven into insolvency. And in insolvency proceedings, a set-off of claims would have been impossible. Prefer to play it safe, the restorers went to get their money. Restorers needed above all the ownership back The conditions at the Nürburgring are complicated. Simply spoken, they take on the following formula: without owning no recovery, no recovery no future. To bring the reordering of the Nürburgring on the way, the restorers of Thomas Schmidt and Jens Lieser need access to the course of the Eifel. Otherwise, they can work from any solution that ensures continuous operation. The worst case would have been a shutdown of the Nürburgring with the Commission - with devastating consequences. Trying this scenario with the comparison to avert. Tenants must immediately release the Nürburgring Now, the tenant must immediately release the Nürburgring. It is covered on page five of the comparison Treaty. The operating lease agreement shall be repealed retroactively to October 31 this year. The lease of "final and without more settlement" to 3.4 million euros plus value added tax is set for the period from 1 May to end of October 2012. In addition to the lease, also other treaties are obsolete. The restorers also secure access to the cashless payment system at the Nürburgring, which operates the cash settlement & ticketing GmbH (CST). This is one of but the NAG partner Kai Richter and two other entrepreneurs to 50 percent. In the framework of mutual set-off of claims, the Nürburgring GmbH pays 640 000 euros to the appropriate company of judge now have control over the payment system. Compromise with the tenants were needed NAG partner Kai Richter and Jörg Lindner, who see a success in comparison, are not from the ring business. Finally, the (former) tenants have the right 2013 to bring the formula 1 at the Nürburgring. This must be done however extremely cost effective. The original term of the formula 1 contract (2030 with extension option up to 2040) is virtually abolished. Because she no longer applies if the track is sold to another or the formula 1 of the Treaty would block an EU compliant tender. Staff of the NAG will remain Continue is the contract with the two Lindner Hotels at the Nürburgring, but with limited time (until the end of 2015, with a right of early redemption by end 2013). Staff of NAG to the entire ring will largely be transferred to the new company founded by the Sanierern. Who wants to change not be borrowed. So the restorers securing access to senior personnel, they pay EUR 165 000. The shortening of the Lindner Hotel contracts is rewarded with a further 300 000 euros. These sums are independent of all other settlements - also on top. --------------
  15. Hmm good idea, I have friends that travel to and from there frequently.
  16. Model: 2004 VQ35DE Mods: H-Dev uprev/H-Dev Plenum spacer/H-Dev Decats/Y-pipe back Scorpion back box/ Dyno: Dyno Dynamics - Horsham Develpments BHP: 282.6 @fly Torque: 231.9 ftlb A few weeks later at the Abbey Motorsport open day, the only addition was an HKS panel filter and of course their Dynapack dyno. Model: 2004 VQ35DE Mods: H-Dev uprev/H-Dev Plenum spacer/H-Dev Decats/Y-pipe back Scorpion back box/HKS panel filter Dyno: Dynapack - Abbey Motorsport BHP: 261.2 whp Torque: 243.7 lbft And just had another dyno, exhaust is different now, as well as fixing the valve seals:
  17. I'm still on the look out, I just can't justify £45/50 for that pedal. There are plenty of universal type of ones on ebay BUT the fixing on the rear look a bit unsafe (imho). Demon Tweeks have quite a few but no measurements
  18. Nice and cheap, and bonus sex-toy-esq looking !
  19. I'd just buy a pair of new ones that aren't J.S
  20. 2004 GT Uprev (mapped by Jez) HKS panel filter H-dev plenum spacer H-dev decats Scorpion Y-pipe back exhaust
  21. I don't understand how it could take 10 hours for a job like that. (note I mean this from a naive point of view as I've literally no idea )
  22. Also whilst on this subject, do you know how long it'll take for the bonnet and bumper to be ready ? Obviously whenever I get a chance to do this, I'll call and ask directly but just wondered for now how long it takes.
  23. Excellent stuff. Whilst on this subject, has anyone tried this wipe-on method as mentioned here: http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=217520 ?
  24. A selection on here: http://tarmacsportz.co.uk/350z-cat-test-pipes.aspx http://www.cougarstore.co.uk http://www.h-dev.co.uk/index.php?cPath=78_169_293_472_480 Also... And probably some other traders I've missed.
  25. Hopefully Scotty (?) will be able to email out the dyno stuff this week, I'm keen to see how everyone did with various bits done or not. Will anyone be able to bung it on a table of some sort ? No problems with reg stuff.
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