Hi again,
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Really would like some opinions if you don't mind.
So going to look at this one now I have the time off. Really want a blue one.
http://www.nissanusedcars.co.uk/en.GB/p ... ct=1802102
Can I have thoughts, comments etc. Insurance is a killer at £1700, but 2 years no claims bonus and two non fault accidents has a bad affect. Hey I don't smoke, so who cares.
This will be the first one that I drive. I'm aware that it's the face lift, but not the 313.
Two owners, full SH etc. It will be serviced. I'm sure the 6th one is the biggie, so I'll make sure it is included. Not sure I'll get tax in the deal. We'll see.
I'd like to go main dealer for the security, come back, warranty etc. I will do the usual invoice + S/H checks, look for leaks etc. I can do the basics, but I'm no expert.
So too much in price? What should I get it for? Generally just want to know if this is a good deal if I get it for about £9000, 0r £9500 with Tax.
If I upped my budget to 13K I can get a 313 from a Nissain dealer, but then I might as well add some more and get a 370z. My thinking is come in under 10K.