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Everything posted by Harryjax

  1. I don't have a job, honest!!! Just to give you an idea about my working life: - went to sleep 5:30am this morning - started to get calls as of 7:00am, by the time I woke up, I had 22 missed calls, 6 voice mails and few tens of emails business related, not spam or forum etc - 14:15 as I type - haven't had lunch or breakfast yet Do you still want my job? Sounds like a cushy number. Dam this phone sorry for repeat post.
  2. I don't have a job, honest!!! Just to give you an idea about my working life: - went to sleep 5:30am this morning - started to get calls as of 7:00am, by the time I woke up, I had 22 missed calls, 6 voice mails and few tens of emails business related, not spam or forum etc - 14:15 as I type - haven't had lunch or breakfast yet Do you still want my job? Sounds like a cushy number.
  3. Enjoy. Now that's out of the way. "Show us flies your sprinkles.
  4. Harryjax


    best colour dispute what a certain jaaaaag owner might tell you.
  5. Chris, I've had this issue getting on this forum ever since joining last year. Using PC I'm out at the moment so will try and get screen shots. Can you PM your email address.
  6. You need to unplug your router for 24 hours so the IP lease expires I will give it ago on the weekend My tablet and iPhone go through my router and I don't get any issues.
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