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Posts posted by Harryjax

  1. So, quick update time.



    After chatting with some guys on PH, it would seem that although the French Pyrenees look good on paper, and the views stunning, the roads are simply too busy and in too bad a condition to make them worthwhile doing. As such, I've amended the Day Two route to take me into Spain much earlier:




    The N260 is said to be unmissable, and whilst I'm sad to not be heading up and making the most of the altitude changes, it does look a little bit special I have to admit. I'm going to look into cancelling my hotel in Ax-les-Thermes and grabbing a hotel in Spain instead, but if I can't it's only a 30 min detour so not the end of the world. I've also started making a list of things to bring/remember, which so far looks like this:



    EU medical card

    Insurance & V5


    First aid kit



    Washer fluid

    Cleaning stuff


    Suntan lotion



    iPad, iPhone, camera, memory cards

    GoPro (to buy)

    Camera mounts

    Notepad & pen


    Sleeping bag

    Power cables

    Travel adaptor

    Tyre plug



    I'm adding as I think of it, if there's anything I've missed please shout up. :) Have also begun re-learning Spanish so I don't look like a complete nubcake when I get out there.



  2. I've no suggestions but I hope your wife is on the mend and use have a lovely holiday :)


    Thank you Sarah.

    Yes my wife is definatly getting better.

    Although it will be a long recovery.

    After being told to expect the worst and the fear that those words bought into our lives goes beyond explaining.

    I want her to have the trip of a live time.

    We've been married for 27 years and are looking forward to many many more.

    • Like 2
  3. I went to Dubai for my honeymoon and loved it. We were talking today about how good it was. Think it's 7-8 hours flight though?


    A lot of people say there's no history or culture to it cos it's such a new city. But for somewhere to chill out with great weather, great food and great service in every shop/restaurant you go to it's fantastic


    6 hour flight would be pushing it at the moment.

    And I would love to go to Dubai it looks spectacular.


  4. I'm looking for a holiday destination within a 6 hour flight time. Somewhere warm and not over run with bars and club or shops selling tat.

    I'm looking for a bit of luxury something with wow factor, that makes you feel special.

    I'm looking for this special place to take my wife who has been ill, but is now on the mend.

    "Thank God".

    Please only suggest destinations that you have been to and would concider it the best holiday you have ever ever had.


    Forgot to mention Sea Cruises are a no go.

  5. Good to see Bockaaark and morgs this morning. Three of us here today. Feb Breakfast Meet 2011, fourteen cars. What is happening?

    Come on Southwesterners, club meets need your support :thumbs:


    I was up for it but the thought of breakfast at Morrisons put me off. After eating there the last time and having the squirts probably from the dirty cutlery.

    Put me right off.

    When and where is the next meet?

  6. Wales game was entertaining. Another 10 minutes and they would have had the right result. Cymru am Byth !!!!!


    Now to watch Eng v Scot which will be closer than most people think! Money is on England but Scotland havent won at Twickers for 30 years so it would be nice to see :)


    God I love 6 Nations!!!!!



    p.s Buster is at the zed shed again so tv is all mine :lol:


    I thought they had erected a tent in the shed with a TV and a beer fridge.

  7. I'm not lacking females in my life, just ones who'll touch me in my special place. :lol:


    I work with about 70 women. As far as I'm aware, one would love to be my lady for a night at least but I'd rather stick it in a food blender. She keeps hinting at it. Quite obviously.


    Or Polite meaning: she's not my type.

    Or True meaning: she'll sleep with anything male or female, and she ain't my type.



    Get me her phone number.

    I not as fussy as you.

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