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Everything posted by goodbyegti

  1. I'm looking for the cat back system, preferably original, but would consider after market if it's subtle. Either way it should be in solid condition, preferably near Bristol / Bournemouth. All offers considered. Cheers!
  2. I posted some pictures of the installed parts and the name of the dealer I got the parts from. Perhaps that was considered advertising, but whatever the case the sentence regarding the supplier disappeared with no notice; not exactly in the interest of members.
  3. KC350Z, perhaps you want to sell me your old JDM ones?
  4. I got OEM replacements from a Nissan dealer on US ebay. It worked out under £400 with shipping, import duty, nuts and cones and i also got a replacement interior vent included with that. We get ripped off over here. I posted about it on the site but my post got censored by someone. PM for details if you want. I couldn't be bothered with the risk of replacing the bushings, only to find the joint was finished as well. Turns out one side was.
  5. Hi Jon, I have a pair of compression arms as i recently changed mine. The O/S ball joint is absolutely fine, the N/S is worn. They had 75,000 miles on them. The bushings are worn on both arms. I appreciate you probably want a pair with good joints, however. PM if interested and I can send you a picture.
  6. Wanted: A set of gauges as below. I don't care about the condition or whether they're JDM or UK so long as they work.
  7. All posts removed in response to blatant manipulation by an admin/moderator
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