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Everything posted by MrsNiki

  1. I was on opposite side of road or I'd have knocked on the window, gets my goat seeing people using phones when driving!
  2. Sat at traffic lights at west north street and kings street crossroads using your mobile, and pulled away whilst still on it!! Sunset roadster, have a word with yourself!
  3. I hope the 'lick my rim' sticker has been removed......
  4. Woohoo!! Happy days!! :teeth:
  5. i'm sure mattross1313 will be able to tell you if furniture inside a caravan is as good a quality as that, i'm sure he had chance to look in the window of one recently....
  6. Your son is 23! Yes and my daughter is 26 in July I look good for my age admit it Only if your age is 106 He may have passed for younger than he is a few weeks back, but now the jag gives it away....
  7. I actually really really like the colour of the purple in this pic, would something this shade and as sparkly be available, or is it the fact its a flip colour that makes it as metallic as it looks? May just be swayed into something like this instead of a pearlescant one.... decisions decisions....
  8. Hey guys Cheers for this advice, given me something to think about! I think i'll speak to the local wrapping franchise (totally dynamic, anybody had any dealings with these?) and get a look at some colours! Something along the purple lines is what i'm after, but definitely not matt!! Its gonna take a while to decide how to do it, whether to do the car one colour and have a body kit in carbon, or maybe have the roof black.... Lots of options! Just putting the feelers out to start off with
  9. Hey guys! Now, not totally made my mind up yet, but i'm erring towards wrapping my car in a different colour. I have an idea on what i want, but need some advice. Firstly - Does this colour exist in a wrap? Secondly - Has anybody else seen one like it? Thirdly - Does it look chavvy? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Pearlescent_Toyota_Supra_-_002.jpg Any advice appreciated cheers Niki
  10. Does anybody have video footage of the first group of cars pulling out of County Cooks after the first stop on the saturday? Just wanted to see who it was that pulled off and couldn't find second gear... remember hearing it but can't remember who it was! There seemed to be a heap of people with camera's on the roadside, hoping one of them was filming!
  11. Oooooh i like them!! Maybe slightly more than my own....
  12. Definitely up for this! It will give me the kick up the bum i need to get my paintwork sorted and diffuser fitted!!
  13. MrsNiki


    All sorted Yet again another member coming to my rescue! Love this forum
  14. MrsNiki


    It was actually yours i spotted in Wales and decided i wanted one similar... Wish i'd said something!! Oh well!
  15. MrsNiki


    And thats not what i call the boyfriend when he's driving either.... Looking to change my OEM one for a nice shiny Nismo style one. I remember seeing one of the traders selling them but can't find it now, and the work computer is so slow that trying to do a search for one is asking the impossible apparently! Can anybody help? Cheers Pictures appreciated too, just to make sure i am thinking of the right thing!!
  16. The only thing i would suggest is that when we head out in the groups to drive, maybe have the last group as a slower group for less confident drivers. I had fun on the drive outs, but the Sunday morning driving between SMD and Beavis i felt a bit out of my depth and paranoid that i was annoying Beavis behind me!! After we stopped i hung back and drove with twobears and we had more fun at a slightly slower pace! Aside from that, the Moreton was great, the routes were fab and just make sure that nice weather is on order every year!!
  17. All sorted now, centre caps in the post, big thanks to Gudzy!!
  18. I only took 2 pairs myself, seems we have some competition Annie!! Next year i'm taking 6 pairs haha!!
  19. Seriously, what happens to Wasso every time a camera comes out??? Does anybody else see it??
  20. 14th June.... hmmm, me and Mark are both off work that day, could see a nice afternoon jolly coming on!!
  21. Agreed, i have used SAP and TMAX (part of Maximo) and found TMAX easier to use, although there isn't a lot in it, but we use the systems for maintenance for kit on an oil platform, so its a large set up. Not sure how good they are for smaller companies, not much experience with that!
  22. I'm sure he would have liked that! Although he was chomping at the bit to have a bit of Wills behind....
  23. Yep!! Impossible to follow you, I thought I was gonna drive off a cliff edge on the Sunday morning!!
  24. Ooooh, the wheels are in need of a refurb so can get the centre caps re-painted no issue! Will PM you
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