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Everything posted by MrsNiki

  1. I will do, cheers Will Didn't know that was an issue, so i'll keep an eye out for it! It is totally yours and Rosies fault i want the roadster... She's a beauty!!
  2. Now then, long time no see!! I've been zed-less for 15 months now, all in the name of moving house and getting married!! Its almost coming around to car shopping time again, the DS3 has done its duty whilst we've been skint, and its time to get a real car again! I know exactly what i am looking for and i would like your help please I will be after an automatic 370Z GT Pack roadster, preferably in black or white, but colour isn't massively important. It will be around April/May time i should be ready to start shopping, so if anybody is thinking of selling around that time, or knows of any coming up for sale, please can you let me know :-) If i don't get a zed i'll end up with a Nissan Juke Nismo RS instead.... I know you're a good bunch of lads and lasses who won't let me down Ta
  3. It has come back to haunt me, spent the last 6 months convincing myself i'd done the right thing, so much so that once the wedding is done next April i'm off out to by another zed!! Its gonna be an exciting April in 2015!!
  4. haha, the silly gushing woman gets it now!! oops!! Yeah admiral stung me for insurance, get out as soon as you can!!
  5. Hmmm, most peeps insurance has gone down this year, sure its not your driving skills that are being monitored?? :lol:
  6. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, wish i'd have sold him to a forum member… but i needed a quick sale so i could get my house deposit in order. I explained about the premium unleaded, especially the tesco momentum as the fuel station is less than 50m from where he worked. He thought i bought the wheels from a cheap car modding place in town (heaven forbid!!) and he didn't know it had lowered springs or spacers. Is he blind or just stupid!! grrrr!! I don't think it was my femininity that bothered him, i think he'd have been more worried if i was a male and chasing him down to gush over the car haha!
  7. Hey guys! So really randomly this week i found out my zed was sold to a guy who works at the end of my street, not bad considering i live in Lincoln, sold the car in Worksop, it then got moved to S****horpe, and ended up back where i live!! Anyway, when i saw it i pulled up in my own car next to it and proceeded to go into each shop on the retail park to find out who it belonged to. I tracked down the guy who looked at me as if i'd lost the plot when i got all excited and asked how he was enjoying my old car…. He certainly didn't appear to be suffering from zeditus, and didn't know about this forum. He still wasn't convinced when i told him about it. I tried explaining about the mods i'd done that weren't advertised on auto trader, and wasn't bothered about the lightened flywheel and clutch. I don't think i want him having the car, i may have to buy it back. Poor Zak the Zed Anybody else experienced this from zed drivers? Its heartbreaking….
  8. Haha! Yeah sold out a month ago, need to save the pennies now engagement party is next Feb (got loads on until then), if you can bring sandwiches and sausage rolls your in
  9. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201310189352226/sort/default/usedcars/colour/black/model/350_z/make/nissan/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/page/1/radius/50/postcode/ln57ug?logcode=p Poor Zak the Zed is still sat awaiting a new owner to come and love him… Although i did think you guys may appreciate the knowledge that i only paid £8.5k for him over a year ago from a Nissan Stealership, so these guys are definitely OTT on price. Its not been put in the ad, but he does have 20mm spacers all round, 19" finichi firenze alloys, a cobra sport cat back exhaust, a new clutch and a lightened flywheel. I know i'm not selling him, but i still want him to go to a genuine zed lover Miss him loads, my DS3 doesn't quite have the same response from other drivers when i tootle down the street, but he's ok for what i need right now. It gives me the breathing space to save up for my wedding, a second house and a honeymoon. Once thats all sorted, GTR here i come!! Niki
  10. Thank you so much for the messages A life of chocolate and tv sounds very appealing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  11. Some of you may have seen on Facebook, but I still feel the need to shout it from the rooftops some more..... Yep, whilst sunning myself on holiday, Mr Niki decided that after nearly 4yrs that he reckons he can handle me forever and ever!!!! I am the happiest girl on the planet I will be moving on from Missniki to Mrsniki, woohoo!!
  12. i will be back in the gang in a couple of years, just need to put my sensible head on for a few years
  13. Passed a black 350Z this morning and got a wave! Think it was an 06 plate but didn't pay too much attention to that, was more concerned about the wave
  14. SMD you are right, have you noticed the decline in girlies since you sold yours... Me, two bears, louise911 etc. It is gonna be hard leaving Zak at the garage tomorrow, but Daz the DS3 is a nice little runaround and smart looking. It could have been worse, I could have picked one with a pink roof... The good thing is I will still be on here, I may have got rid of the car but I'm not getting rid of my friends
  15. Yep a 1.6 HDi 110bhp DSport model. Stuff will be going up for sale shortly They are surprisingly nice to drive, best of the economical car range that's about right now
  16. And here is the replacement... It's not really a mean machine, but it does have a twin exhaust and spoiler Needs must, cheap to run and all that, but I will miss my beast. Will be back in the game in a few years once house shopping is done and we are all settled. I did however pull up next to one of these at traffic lights earlier whilst in the zed, and it had a Zimmer frame in the passenger seat, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!! At least I know mine will fit when I get my 'comfortable and economical sensible car' I will be watching on here with interest to see if Zak gets bought up by somebody who joins the forum!!
  17. Not as good as the guy with the 'mint green' focus for sale on ebay a couple of years back, but still funny!
  18. Ok, it may not be a SEAT Leon (far from it infact), but off to test drive this little scamp on Wednesday when i get home from offshore.... http://www.walkersmotorgroup.co.uk/vauxhall/used/citroen/ds3/16-hdi-16v-110-dsport-3dr/worksop/nottinghamshire/14582105 I love the look of these cars, and this is the slightly more powerful diesel, the110bhp model.... Sounds so pitiful going from a zed to this, but i am assured they are good fun to drive, quite nippy little things. What swung it for me was the spoiler and twin exhaust on the back... totally pointless but made me smile!! Opinions?
  19. Ooooh, i drove through Chipping Norton a couple of weeks back on my way down to Brize Norton, I'll assume Hook Norton is just as much of a beautiful place!! Love that part of the country Garage looks ace, Suzi will be smiling from wing mirror to wing mirror when she gets in there!
  20. Yeah Vik, it does suck having to do this, but i keep reminding myself that its only to get me through a short period, and theres no reason why i can't go back to the zed in a year or so when things have settled down and i'm not doing so much travelling and house shopping! I don't think i could actually leave this forum now if i wanted to, met so many great people, and have the good fortune to get to last years Wales weekend which goes down as one of the best experiences ever!! I'll still be here, with ALL of the dodgy Jag fella's Once i get a car sorted i will post on here, but it will be standard (please don't shame me on the 'standard car picture' thread!) and i will expect the same amount of oohs and ahhs to make me feel like i've made the right decision and that whatever i buy is almost as cool as the zed!!
  21. Yeah i'm not leaving here... I'll be like that dodgy Jag man that keeps hanging around...
  22. The springs will stay on, not gonna mess around changing them... I will have a stillen splitter, berks hfc's, side steps, a rear diffuser and some other bits and bobs, all stuff i bought but never fitted!! (Not taking dibs on anything, all will go up for sale in relevant section when i get home from offshore next week!) Yeah heard nothing but good stuff about the FR's, and other half is already checking out the bluefin remap thingy for me! Not test driven anything yet, but the day after i get home is car shopping day, so fingers crossed i find something decent!
  23. Well i've been through all of the options again and again, but it seems that Zak the Zed has to go I need to move on to something more economical that gives me no urges to modify. Have got a lot of mileage to cover in the next year or so, and will also be looking to buy another property, and as much as i love my zed, he is just costing me too many pennies that i can't justify right now. I have bought lots of goodies for him in the past couple of months, but haven't got round to fitting them all, so they will be going up for sale once he has gone. I'm not gonna go totally sensible and boring, still need a car with a bit of something about it (especially as it will be a demon juice drinking smoke chucker) so looking along the lines of a Seat Leon FR TDi. (any other idea's welcome) And before anybody says it, i'm not pregnant.... Seems my mum thinks thats the only reason i need a new car!! One thing i have noticed is that on other car forums there is no atmosphere, no banter or much in the way of big welcomes. I can't keep a car just because of a great forum though Anywho, won't be selling privately, need to buy in the next couple of weeks so will be trading in ASAP. Being grown up sucks.
  24. I'm gonna get a new battery, although Mr Niki did find the live terminal loose so hoping that was just it! Not got much further yet at car in garage right now, clutch pedal kept getting stuck halfway down yest so looks like more money on making it go.... So much for the amazing styling I have planned Good job I don't do car related stress!!
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