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Posts posted by samsniss350z

  1. Has anyone ever bought a copy of Professional Valeting & Detailing Magazine? I came across it when watching a YouTube video by a guy who goes by the name of Forensic Detailing Channel and he was was hawking the new copy which has just come out which is Number 3 so its a pretty new publication available on Fleabay for £4-95 i think. There's all sorts of info in there. I've not bought it myself and have no affiliation with either any of the contributors or publishers. I was just wondering if anyone had bought it and what the general consensus of opinion was.

  2. My partner lives in a lovely street lined with large old oak trees that create a canopy completely over the road and i now dread going to see her in my Zed. If i park for no more than a couple of hours then there is a fine haze of resin covering the car. But if i stay with her overnight the car gets dive bombed and covered in huge chunks of bird s**t. They must be on a diet of cement and blackberries because its purple and is great at bonding itself to my clearcoat. Like ilogikal1 i soak it with with warm water and car shampoo whilst continuing trying to dislodge it with a large syringe filled with the same mix of water and shampoo,we'd need a hose about 800metres long so its buckets at the moment . We can be there for half an hour in the morning cleaning up the Blitz from the night before. The sooner we get to it the less chance of damage we have. Anybody like pigeon pie?

  3. Hey Holfy, if you're after the 06 airbox because of the added velocity stack there is a member who actually sells everything you need in a kit so you could use a pre 06 box fit the kit and enjoy the benefits it brings. you'll have to do a search as I can't remember his name, although i think it maybe Tim, something or something Tim. :)

  4. I totally agree with jobJosh, forget about cleaning out the motor, you 'll get a few weeks out of it before it fails again, so save yourself a hundred plus of your hard earned English pounds and replace the brushes. You don't need to be an electrician to do it and a pair of brushes will cost £5 for a pair at the most. I put a post up with part numbers and where to get them a few months ago. I did mine over 2 years ago now and the motor still works a treat. You'll find the hardest part of the job getting the bl***y door card off.

  5. Hey Chris, welcome to the forum and just let me say that I'm another one who's never seen one of these in the UK. You've certainly picked up a peach, it looks immaculate. I'd go along with Jetpilot and have a chat to a few tuners of whom there are a few on this forum who have a fantastic rep when it comes to having high quality work done for a reasonable price. Keep us all posted and let us know how you get on.

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