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Everything posted by samsniss350z

  1. Hey Devilish Deb, something tells me that this winter is going to be a joy to you, especially if you've bought a ZED with the GT pack and its heated seats. I found it quite unnerving at first, i thought i'd had an 'accident' when i could feel the warmth against my leg. Of all the bikes yo've had i'd say that the ZED is going to feel most like the SV650 in that you've got the torque from the Vee layout. You definately won't get the kick in the backside that the wonderful RS Aprilia 2 stroke gives you and the ZED definately won't rev as much. although you'll be surprised how much is does rev for a big lump. I hope you have fun this winter and enjoy the sensation of people not pulling out in front of you. To warmth and Welcome. SAM
  2. My dearest CHOPTOP, i think i must have the generic version of what you have as the writing on the packet reads '****itallandeverybodyinconnectedwith it' the smallest dose comes in quarterpounders and is recommended to be taken along with one litre of the strongest lager. It very responsibly mentions not to drive or operate heavy machinery for the next half hour. It could be the generic version, what do you reckon??
  3. I used Humbrol #54 and found it to be the best match of anything i'd tried previously. I didn't even do any rubbing down, just used a cocktail stick to apply the paint, small amounts at a time to build it up, this was about 3 months ago and have had no problem with the paint flaking off, in fact i struggle to see where the original damage was. At £1-54 for a tin it was the best and cheapest repair i've ever spent money on
  4. I always thought that the idle speed on my Zed was too low to the point of questioning it on the site only to find that this is totally normal. Does the engine hesitate when you go to pull away or is it just that its not the same as it was before? Personally if the engine does the same as it did before other than tickover a few RPM lower i wouldn't worry about it.
  5. Hey Pimm, i think i've mentioned this somewhere else on the site and i'm not sure if its applicable, but the 200SX's i had before my Zed had 3 lithium batteries strapped together that operated the alarm and were charged when the car was running. However after a number of years corrosion set in and no matter how much/often you ran the car it wouldn't charge the lithiums and therefore the alarm was draining the charge fro the battery. This would run the battery totally flat within 2 days. To be honest i don't know if the ZED alarm/immobiliser uses the same system, it may be worth finding out as this could be your problem. Good Luck with it.
  6. I love my Ultrasecs, i'm disappointed, i just hope that the Ultrac Vorti are equal pr better in every wat especially when i comes down to £'s
  7. If you've got anything like the problem we have around here where young pillocks think its great fun going around in the middle of the night sticking knives into the sidewalls of any tyres going. I suppose the only saving grace is that they're not targetting particular cars, anything with hoops gets done and the first the owner knows is when they go out to hop into their car only to find 4 flat tyres with holes in the sidewalls leaving them irrepairable. The price differential between 4 tyres for a Pug 206 and a ZED doesn't bear thinking about. I just hope the little scrotes get caught by the public.
  8. I can understand there being a problem with different profiles, is there any way that the tracton control can be tweaked via the ECU, i realise that this won't sort out the problems that MK350Z is encountering, its just a general question. I'm intrigued.
  9. I'd be open to making an offer but it wouldn't be for the price you paid for it due to it no longer being new and the amount of remedial work needed to remove the filler/seal added to it. Do you have the name of the manufacturer.
  10. Can someone answer a question that has had me curious (definately not Bi curious) for quite a while? I've read some posts that say running 30 and 35 profiles on tyres does not affect the traction control and the ESP, whereas i've read ther posts that say running anything less than a 45 profile tyre plays havoc with everything. My only thought is that running a larger diameter wheel and a lower profile tyre that equals the outside circumferance of an 18" wheel with 45 profile tyre cancels this out. Can any one give me a decisive answer to this as i'm considering getting some 19" wheels for next summer but want to be sure i'm not knackering anything. Thanks in advance.
  11. One of the best choices of wheels to go for as far as i'm concerned (perhaps bar NISMO), dude those Rota's look hot.
  12. Welcome to the world of warmth and dryness. I used to run bikes and i can honestly say that my ZED has come closest to giving me the grin i used to get on my face when riding, plus you've got the added bonus of not turning up everywhere blue with cold. WElcome and enjoy the fun.
  13. £3500 for a Zed with full history? The way its been looked after makes me think members car straightaway. This has a certain smell to it, a rather strong smell at that. Time to take a walk.
  14. A couple of Tramadol + a couple of pints of beer = same result, plus it lasts a lot longer and you don't get the taste of rotten eggs when you burp which happens with medical NOS. There is also an additive to the NOS they put in cars to prevent people driving really quick cars in this state of mind!
  15. oh dear me, i just couldn't see these on a 350 somehow, on second thoughts, a rat 350 which i've yet to see on the road. could be a trendsetter.
  16. the only thing i would suggest is to read as much about the model as posible from every available source. You could do far worse than looking through the pages of sites like this. Also bear in mind that the newer cars have drastically higher VED rates than the earlier models, although this is offset with slight power gains. I think its fair to say that cars seem slightly cheaper at this time of year. I'd also go for something with a full Nissan service history although i'm probably stating the obvious here. Cars bought from enthusiast sites seem to be better looked after than the boy racer who has tried to fit every useless add-on on the market. I'm on my first Zed after a series of 200SX's and this has given mr more driving fun than all of my SX's put tother. Good luck with your search.
  17. Wow this stiff looks ideal to stop the 'looks like the front of my car got shot with a 12 bore' sandblasted look. I'm sure i've seen peope in the good 'olr USofA use it it smarten up wheels that have been kerbbed to within an in i there life and they've come out looking ok. There are quite a few threads on you tube for this product and shows just how versatile it is.
  18. A great way to start the day, jump in the Zed and to be faced by boobies.
  19. I could be barking up the wrong tree here but my last 200SXs14 had an alarm system that was run on three lithium batteries strapped together and when the engine was running it would charge these batteries which operated the alarm/immobiliser. After 14 years of usage these lithium batteries no longer retained their power to operate the alarm/immobiliser and so used to use the main battery as the power source. I couldn't leave the car for more than 2 days without all power being drained out of it. A brand new battery would render itself totally knackered after 3 months, luckily i ws able to get 2 batteries under warranty. I went to by far the most useless Nissan workshop (in my opinion) in the world in Warwick who were as helpful as a young monkey growing into adolescence who'd just found out it wasn't just for pissing out of. I ended up getting a trickle charger and to be honest i haven't a clue if the 350Z operates under the same system. I hope this is not the case and that the wonderful error codes will enlighten you as to the problem.
  20. Mine stays outdoors all through the winter and i tend to drive it until the council start gritting the roads, Then i'm stuck 'till spring as the council don't get up to where i live (at the top of a really steep hill) and had the misfortune a few years ago to try to navigate the hill and ended up sliding backwards out of control into a couple of other vehicles. Its at this time that i make sure the car is salt free and dry and then cover her up with a breathable waterproof cover. i make sure she gets turned over every couple of weeks and to be honest I'd prefer garage in order to work on it over winter, but then again i really love my 350Z so its just compromise. I'd even love the situation of the Belgian and his method of garage parking. I have a garage (too small for the Zed) and an awkward kink halfway down the drive so thats a no go and have been looking for a suitable lock-up for the last few years to no avail, so i do what i have to do!!! I agree with Vik54, its not like come spring you remove your cover to find nothing but a pile of rust just like the first Datsuns and Honda's that were imported over here in the late '70's. Thats why UK cars are undersealed and JDM cars aren't.
  21. Yeah i experienced the same thing a few weeks ago after driving cars with electric windows for years. My last 200SX had over 130k on the clock, no problems. A couple weeks into ownership of my ZED the drivers side started to fail. I tried cleaning the motor (which was caked in all sorts and it was fine for a couple of weeks, then the same again although this time it'd work for a few days and then bugger off for a long weekend, no note to say how long it was going to be for. Then all of a sudden i'd try it and it worked. I was lucky that i had a warranty so saved myself a lot of cash, still it was a pain in the arse all the same. Betting your in-box will be pretty full with traders omorrow. Good luck with it, there are plenty of threads with photos etc. There is a terrific one on the USA sit whose name escapes me at present, although www.my350Z.com rings a bell. It's not too fiddly a job
  22. Well all you lucky people with access to the Shell V Power juice, for the last few years the town of Rugby (population @ 75k) hasn't evev had a bloody Shell garage, and like buses, 2 come at once. Our only choice has been the Tesco 99ron or run it on BP 97ron and lob in some octane booster just to be sure to be sure. So looking forard to the next couple of weeks when i'll have a choice. Ain't life just great sometimes.
  23. Totally agree with Ekona, a smear of copper grease on the back of the pads has sorted out every squealing problem i've ever had ( except the ex, hence the divorce).
  24. Hassan, tried to pm you but i think your box must be full to the brim. Can you get in touch mate. SAM
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