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Everything posted by samsniss350z

  1. This is probably a really daft question but i notice Dodo juice comes in different coloured jars. Does this mean that if you have a jar of blue you use it primarily on a blue car and the same with a green car, you use it on a green car? I've never used this product before hence the dumbass question.
  2. You have a reply nut in case you didn't get it i can pay for the adapter by cheque or buy putting cash into an account of your choosing ( i did this with Fuku on friday if you wish o check with him). Please PM me and let me know what you wish to do. Thanks SAM.
  3. I could pay for this by cheque or pay cash directly into the account of your choosing. Please PM me and let me know what you wiish to do . Thanks.
  4. Yeah i have seen the date that this was up for sale and you'd be surprised how much of this stuff is still up for sale and that bargains can be had because of it. You may take the **** but i've saved myself quite a few quid by chasing up old leads!
  5. These are some of the best condition Rays wheels i've seen in a long time. If you still have them i'm interested in the front tyres and rims and the rear rims only minus the tyres. do you have room to manouvre on the price or is it fixed at £400. Would you be also willing to courier to Rugby CV22. I would of course pay the courier fee's. Please PM me and let me know if this is possible. Thanks.
  6. Too far for me to pick up what with work etc. How much couriered to Coventry, I'll obviously pay the courier fees?
  7. Have you got the template with it? If so i'll take it dor £35 posted. PM me
  8. Oh man those wheels are absolutely gorgeous, i only wish i had the funds cos i'd be after these like a shot. I'm seriously thinking about going to see my Bank Manager as i've never seen a set of wheels like this. GLWS.
  9. If these are still up for sale are you open to offers? PM me
  10. If this is off an '06 i'll take it off your hands
  11. on holiday i hope, missing all of this wonderful weather
  12. If you still have dodo juice for sale let me know. you have a PM
  13. Does the Panasonic Viera come with the grill as well, in which case i'll have it. How much posted to Rugby CV22 7HT?
  14. does this have the instruction manual with it
  15. what year car is the airbox off ?
  16. This might sound a bit daft but the problem might be coming from a failure in the heater core/matrix behind the dashboard, which would explain the fusty mildew smell, Check to see if the coolant level has dropped before you begin to take apart the dash though.
  17. If the water got inside the vehicle It might dry out but my god is it gonna stink. No matter how much deodoriser you throw in it its gonna stink like a sewer, i only hope you're dry inside. BEST OF LUCK.
  18. I don't want to put a downer on this but its just in time for a yearly service & so it has no warranty. What if it didn't have the tyre feathering sorted out and a host of other things, i'd be sorely tempted to give this a miss. Chances are its been driven down to Tesco's for a 3 mile run once or twice a week, so there's no quicker way of screwing up an engine
  19. I paid £6995 for mine with a new clutch, full service history inc P3, leather seats, new tyres all round, 12 months MOT, 6 months tax and a 3 month warranty. I'd be asking for extra parts or a flaming big discount as i think its well overpriced. I agree with S1 HNK and go for a forum car as they have been usually well looked after. Sunsets go for less than any other colour also. You'll notice the benefit of heated seats in the winter, nice & toasty in minutes.
  20. Just to clear things up, a member had a knackered window motor and was giving it away for free. I recently had an o/s window motor fitted under warranty and noticed that the n/s motor was starting to run quite a bit slower than the new one so my thinking was to get hold of a knackered one and using an American ZED website effect a repair so that when the time came it would be a straightforward swap. Thanks for all the amusing messages, i haven't had such a good laugh in ages its good to see that conspiracy theories abound. After a thoroughly good clean the motor is running brilliantly and i'm thinking of doing a swap with my ZE33, i'll fit a turbo of course and i'm hoping for 420whp but i've been told if i fit a grounding kit this will go up to 480whp.
  21. As it says on Flea Bay its for an import only.
  22. RE headlights washer hose, just wrap a small screw with PTFE tape, screw it in the hose and bingo. One sealed hose.
  23. Have you been to Halfords, they do a set for about a tenner that includes a length of hose and two jets that i'm sure could be fitted to the wiper arms. Alternatively if you could get hold of a half mm drill and clear out the original jet that way.
  24. Does Bob's new arse work ok cos i've heard some stories out of the USA about owners changing their rear lights only to find that it does really bizarre thing to the electrics, e.g. messing about with the ECU and drivers suffering power loss. I think this only applies to cheap LED ccopies though, mainly bought at bargain prices through Flea-Bay.
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