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Everything posted by samsniss350z

  1. I Love the white RoTA's and i know they are a pain in the ass to clean but in my opinion they are by far the best colour wheels on the market!!!
  2. I'm just loving those BRIDE seats, they look the dogs dangly bits
  3. Jeeezzz that is one hot looking ZED, Congrats
  4. Hey NUNO can you include a photo of the 15mm MWTech hubcentric spacers please if you are prepared o sell these seperately? Thanks.
  5. The rev limiter no matter what you set it to will only tell you when to change gear. the rev limiter will not rev past the 6500 rev limit as this is the highest the rev limit will go!
  6. If your water is not circulating in the rad does that not mean the water pump is knackered?
  7. this button switches on the second inline turbo giving an extra 17psi of boost.
  8. I bought my last battery from Apex in Bradford who specialise in S13's, S14's & 350Z's and everything to do with the JDM markets.
  9. There is a fairly simple trick you can use which will find out just whereabouts your seal is leaking. That is to run lard or butter all of the way around the seal and then shut the door and open it again, the seal that has a marking of lard around the door is where the seal is leaking and you can plump the seal by filling the inner seal with a smaller piece of rubber and thus sealing the leak..
  10. I'd get a load of degreaser and give the hinges a thorough coating of the stuff and let it soak in before cleaning it all off and if its really messy give it another coat and then smother it in lithium grease making sure you work it in to all moving parts. This should do the trick and free up the bonnet. The best of luck.
  11. Have you emptied the water tank and turned on the windscreen wipers as though washing the screen? If you get a humming noise then the motor is not at fault and it could be something as simple as crap and crud blocking up the hosing. If its not ths then i would suggest its time to break out the test meter and find out just what is recieving power and what isn't.
  12. I agree with Glrnet, make sure that all of the ents are closed and thus equalising the pressure and preventing any wind geting in and causing the car to rock.
  13. Hey Doogy Rev i much prefer your new look as opposed to you looking like an old drag queen,did you get your boob job done over christmas. Sorry Broken Arrow for Hi-jacking your thread.
  14. It could be the waterpumo drivebelt out of adjustment and not gripping enough to operate the water pump, a knackered thermostat, a couple of blades missing off the fan or the fan onoperative or the radiator cap not operating to the correct pressure and causing the sceeching sound. You haven't got any loose hoses anywhere have you? Best of luck with it, i hope you sort it out soon..
  15. Get rid of the Bose, they're notoriously poor. Get yourself a decent sub and i'm sure you'll find the problem will be solved. Also somewhere on one of the sites there is a solution to the Bose problem but i can't remember for the life of me where the link is, maybe someone else on this site will remember what the link is.
  16. Give the pump a thorough bleed and if you're still encountering the same problem i think you'll be forking out for a new pump.
  17. Do you think your voice is breaking?
  18. Could be that your clutch is on its way out if its only doing it when its under most load and doesn't do it between 5th and 6th when there is hardly any load on the clutch. Some ZED clutches were known to go after 30000 miles or so . I'd get it checked out by a reputable mechanic.
  19. i think this has been mentioned before, but are you sure that there are n slight air leaks at all as this would prevent revs from picking up. I had a similar problem on my old 200sx and it took me ages to find and all it was was a slight leak on the hot side of the pipe linking the intercooler and wouldn't run above 3000rpm, after that it would hunt for rpm and had no power at all. All it took was going over all of the hose clamps and the problem was solved.
  20. I would totally agree with Dblock on this one as there is a fair chance that your butterfly is completely full of crap. It wouldn't do any harm in cleaning out your MAF as well.
  21. I've also heard that if i drive naked thats good for another 25hp, i'm also gonna shave my hair off that should be good for another 20mph
  22. I read an interview by one of the 350z designers (can't remember the spelling of his name) a while ago and he was of the opinion that the motor was designed to last for 200,000 miles and that was with a service every 9000 miles. No doubt if service intervals were shorter then thry'd last a fair bit longer than that .
  23. To S1 HNK, yes i am, i have an appointment at specsavers tomorrow, i hope you take great pleasure out of mocking the afflicted!
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