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Everything posted by samsniss350z

  1. Hey Dave, keep me informed as to what is happening with exhaust. Regards, SAM.
  2. Hey BM, i know you've been inundated with replies but if for any chance anyone drops out then i'd be really happy to take it on, get it repaired as a stopgap (my oem has gone by the flange) and would be happy to pass it on when funds allow me to get a Motordyne. I'd be happy to pay for postage to Warwickshire CV22. If its already gone then thanks for your time. Regards, SAM
  3. hey dave, i know you are based down south but would you be prepared to post to west midlands, if so have you any idea as to how much extra postage would be?
  4. hey 'the heff' where abouts in the country are you? if you are close to the midlands then i could pick them up?
  5. Its a long time since i've seen an engine bay look so smart. I'm curious as to where you got the polished engine cover from? I'm in agreement with you regarding your car not being overpriced. The ones thst i've seen are pretty tatty in comparison, filthy engine bay and you can see swirly paint marks even in the photos, kerbed wheels and overpriced at £6000. GLWS.
  6. Use the Humbrol #54 paint and instead of using a paintbrush use a cocktail stick, you'll have far more control using this method plus you won'y end up overloading the cocktail stick as you would if you were to use a brush. I used this method on my front callipers and am chuffed to bits with the result as you can't see where the original chip was after i built up the paint in layers using the cocktail stick. Good Luck.
  7. Managed to buy one from PIMM for a very reasonable price. Thanks mate, payment sent.
  8. No mate, he obviously hasn't sold 'em and if you'd read my previous post knock downs can be had when people try to sell things that are overpriced. They're not the only set of C-West in the UK either, a mate has got some on his 350 in Daventry along with a front bumper!
  9. Wow you don't see many of these about, i think this is the only one i've seen with UK plates. GLWS
  10. I'm glad Lexx wrote that comment because i was sure that i'd read somewhere that the '06 airbox offered more in the way of a little power. I don't understand the technicalities of it suffice to say that its far better than the standard '03 to '05 airbox. I'm after one myself and maybe its best if i had a word with Richard at RTBiscuit.
  11. Bloody hell Beavis do you have a cleaning lady come and do a couple of hours under your car every week? i don't think i've seen a GT4 as clean as that ever, not even when leaving the factory. If so can you send me a PM and give me her number.
  12. I was always led to believe that flywheel horsepower less 20% gave you the horsepower at the wheels. Therefore 313 flywheel horsepower less 20% gives you 250 horsepower at the rear wheels.
  13. There is an American company that manufactures these but i can't find the address amongst my piles of lists of tuners and dress up manufacturers. If i find it i'll PM you.
  14. I love my Zed, It may not be the fastest car on the planet but by god it certainly has the looks. I've never seen a car look so hot straight out of the crate except perhaps for the first Audi TT and we all know what a sack of @*!# that was with its twitchy back end. THe Zed has got the sexiest curves of any coupe on the road and although stock it may not be that quick but as time goes on and the tuners get their @*!# together you have a choice of superchargers and twin turbo's, you can't go wrong. i quite simply get more enjoyment out of driving my ZED that any other car i've owned in thirty years of driving. I just love the fact that its a two seater as well.
  15. Learn to love it mate it sounds the dogs bollocks and as for the Ferrari 'rasp' that is just what it sounds like a hideous rasp whereas the hiss sounds like its absolutely full of power. You'll learn to love it over time and wnder why you ever disliked it!!
  16. Can you tell me what wheels you have on your car, sizes, offsets etc. I reckon that the gold looks so hot with the Azure blue that i'm looking for something similar for my Azure Blue ZED. I've seen some on the my350z.com website but they look really naff as though someone has attacked them with a tin of gold spraypaint. Any information would be gratefully accepted. Yours in anticipation.
  17. That is the best stealth fitting of Nitrous bottles i've yet to see on a car, i just hope thry're not a pain to get out to fill up. This is one beast of a car though. Congrats on a fantastic build.
  18. Wow if you're prepared to put in the work it just shows what you can do to what looks like a totally knackered car, Respect dude.
  19. Hey Ian P Hampton, how much for a set of engine bolts with the blue washers. Could you PM me a price P+P. Thanks.
  20. I really love those high carbon EBC brake rotors, they really do look the business. I don't think i've seen any of these before. I'm hoping that they are more common in thr UK now!!
  21. The S14 looks pretty hot, is that your drift mobile?
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