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Everything posted by samsniss350z

  1. Ouch and i thought we got stung with road tax. to the forum and for the cost of a clutch. I'm sure there are a few Irish members who could point you to a decent garage if you're not considering doing the work yourself.
  2. Hey Jack and i hope it doesn't take you too long to join the land of the ZED.
  3. I wouldn't call it a mod and you can't see it but i fixed my sub amp and my subwoofer now works, I know you'd count it as a repair but its a mod to me cos its never worked since i've owned the car and it makes a lot better/deeper noise.
  4. A couple of years ago either Japanese Performance or Banzai featured a ZX300TT engine mounted in an S14, it looked like a bit of a tight fit and i think he had to fabricate a couple of engine mounts, I'll have to dig it out and see what issue it was in. I'm sure Ken Scudder of the SXOC has fitted an LS2 into his S14 also. Apex in Bradford have started selling them specifically for mounting in the S14.
  5. Firstly i want to thank Buster and Keyser for helping me to reinstate some bass to my Zed. Since i bought my Zed i've been really disappointed by the lack of bottom end, even when playing bass heavy music i've reached around behind my seat expecting to feel some movement from the grill covering the sub-woofer, but nothing. Buster and Keyser put me on the right track as to how to rectify this lack of kick ass and lo and behold my kidneys are now getting a really good massaging. It is a really simple fix (isn't everything when you know what you're doing). I've since found out that Radioshack have a direct replacement for the relay, the part number is; Catalogue number #275-005. If i have a recurrence of this problem I'll replace this relay. Thanks again to Buster and Keyser.
  6. Most people who work for Nissan parts departments are numpty's of the first order and the amount of money they must lose through lost sales due to ignorance is staggering. You pays peanuts you gets monkeys. Hence sites like this are invaluable and a font of knowledge in all areas ZED.
  7. Hey Flyboy i know this post is a couple of years after you originally posted it, but do you have any of these kits left for sale?
  8. Hello and i think you'll find the bunch on the forum very helpfull. The thumbnail of your Zed looks pretty tasty.
  9. Bloody hell, looks like you've got a dead body ready to be dumped into a quarry, I'm glad you sorted it out (and the dead body)
  10. Patch, I share the same sentiment. I'm sure a few years ago Clarkeson was moaning about getting punched in the back by the sub when testing the 350Z but i can't even feel a tickle to be honest. I also remember reading that Nissan reduced the power going to the sub. I'm not sure how much of it is true but i'd definitley like to hear/feel the bloody thing!
  11. There is a fix regarding the rear hatch struts that involves fitting pennies, not sure of how to find the link but its there somewhere and it might save you forking out for new struts which i know aren't expensive but it might afford you to pay for another mod. Happy Zedding.
  12. These motors were designed by Nissan to cover 200,000 miles as long as they weren' thrashed to within an inch of their life, had regular services and were filled with good quality oil so 60,000 miles is only just run in.
  13. there is a link to nissan dealers somewhere on this site with customer satisfaction and some are not good at all. depending on where you live i'd be inclined to go to Abbey motorsport or Horsham.
  14. and i feel for you with regard to insurance, but you've got to admit you have a pretty dodgy driving record. have you tried Adrian Flux? Best of luck.
  15. . the more research you do the better chance you have of buying the car of your dreams. Don't forget to post photos of your purchase.
  17. to Zed ownership. I'm going to go against the flow here and say that i don't think your wheels look too bad at all, I quite like them to be honest. I hope you enjoy many miles of spirited driving.
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