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Everything posted by samsniss350z

  1. I went to the dentist last week and couldn't park in the dentist car park as there were roadworks going on preventing entry into the carpark so i decided to park around the corner. I was in the dental surgery for no more than an hour and upon returning to my Zed i noticed a dirty great bloody scratch down the nearside of my Azure blue Zed. If it was silver it wouldn't show as much (not that i'm condoning scratching a silver Zed is any better) but this scratch had gone through the clear coat, the colour coat and some of the primer leaving a lovely little curl of paint at the end of the scratch. What possess little scrotes to do such a thing? I'm in the process of contacting Chips Away in the hope that they can offer a solution to my problem. Failing that its down to the local body shop for no doubt a repair covering the whole side of the body, costing me a small fortune. I'd like to have a go at it myself but have no experience in touch up repairs and my hands aren't too steady. If anyone has any ideas i'd be gratefull as i have enough expense coming up this month with Tax, rear tyres, MOT and a P3 service. MODERATORS; i appreciate this may be in the wrong section, if so please rectify and my apologies.
  2. Hello and , you'll find all of the advice you need in order to find yourself a decent Zed when the time comes.
  3. Hello and , depending whereabouts your are in N'ton i may not be too far away from you as i'm in Rugby.
  4. Hello and you should find all of the advice you need in order to get yourself a smart, tidy and well looked after Zed as there is multitude of knowledgeable members on this site.
  5. to the site and i hope that when you find your ideal Zed you have as much fun with your Zed as you have with your previous tasty looking Nissans.
  6. Welcome, i've not been a member for a fantastic amount of time, but of all of the 350 Zed sites, i've found this the most friendly, the most helpful and there appears to be little interest in flaming people who perhaps don;t have the knowledge of older, more established members. The members on this site are only too willing to help and offer valuable advice. You should have a great deal of an education and a bit of fun to go with it. Again
  7. I've only seen Rays either totally black, standard gunmetal and i have seen a set that someone had had chromed. i suppose the only other option is to buy another set of wheels with black centres and polished rims, a bit more expensive than a powder coat though .
  8. John, i've just checked the handbook and it says that the battery is a CR2016 or equivalent. My comment above might have been relevant to my old S14 as there is no mention of it in the handbook.
  9. Re you key fob, i'd phone a Nissan dealer to get the battery type because i think i'm right in saying if the battery is left out of the fob for more than a few seconds it loses its code.
  10. i don't know the area and was going to suggest that the company had been taken over by Vulture Capitalists but it seems not if they have other branches. Good job they hadn't been working on your Zed. Small mercy's and all that.
  11. to the forum and i hope you don't have to wait too much longer before you're in Zed land. 19's seem to be the most poular, depending on the condition of the roads where you live, if they're bad you might end up with a knackered back and chipped teeth if you go much bigger. I saw a photo on an American website with a Zed that was wearing 22" rims and to be honest it looked a bit daft and i bet his turning circle was about 200 feet.
  12. You're dead right there Jetset, the whole world and his dog who had a 'Z' in their name or anything that could be interpreted as a 'Z' went stupid on Northern Irish plates and they all had 3 letters and 4 numbers. They used to go for about £80 when they first started to be sold, but the 4 numbers put a lot of buyers off for some reason. I hope you're enjoying your new toy GTuned
  13. Vlad, how much for the wheel nuts an locking nuts?
  14. That is a work of art, just need one for an '04 manual transmission now
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