I went to the dentist last week and couldn't park in the dentist car park as there were roadworks going on preventing entry into the carpark so i decided to park around the corner. I was in the dental surgery for no more than an hour and upon returning to my Zed i noticed a dirty great bloody scratch down the nearside of my Azure blue Zed. If it was silver it wouldn't show as much (not that i'm condoning scratching a silver Zed is any better) but this scratch had gone through the clear coat, the colour coat and some of the primer leaving a lovely little curl of paint at the end of the scratch.
What possess little scrotes to do such a thing? I'm in the process of contacting Chips Away in the hope that they can offer a solution to my problem. Failing that its down to the local body shop for no doubt a repair covering the whole side of the body, costing me a small fortune. I'd like to have a go at it myself but have no experience in touch up repairs and my hands aren't too steady.
If anyone has any ideas i'd be gratefull as i have enough expense coming up this month with Tax, rear tyres, MOT and a P3 service.
MODERATORS; i appreciate this may be in the wrong section, if so please rectify and my apologies.