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Everything posted by samsniss350z

  1. I had 2 S14's one was pretty much standard and the second was stage 2 with forged internals Gt2871R roller bearing turbo,555cc injectors, walbro, straight thru exhaust, D2 coilovers, Z33 MAF, racing clutch etc, etc and i must admit it was a pig to drive around town. I had a test drive in a 350Z GT and i was sold the moment i dropped the clutch and felt all that torque surging through. I got rid of my S14, bought the 350Zed and have never looked back. OK it hasn't got the kick in the pants my S14 had but the joy in driving with all of that torque and the noise of the V6 i only wish i'd done it sooner.
  2. As with Fluke i bought a Meguiars water magnet towel with a slight waffle finish to it. It cost £12-99 and i swear by it. Chamois' seem to absorb bits of grit and dust the older they get and these Meguiars water drying towels are machine washable so you wash any grit out of them when you wash them. And as it says on the packet they're made of a 'no scratch design, i'd nrver use one of those wiper blade type things as you're asking for trouble.
  3. I had the same trouble with mine, they bubbled up like they had a really bad sexually transmitted disease (no comment), i took them off and rubbed them down and painted them with Hammerite as per Spurs Mad Dave. This should sort you out.
  4. I wonder if any of you have any ideas as to who does scratch repairs? About three weeks ago i left my car for an hour for some wonderful root canal work at my dentist, i couldn'y get into the carpark due to roadworks so parked my Zed down a side street only to return an hour later to find an 18" scratch down the N/S rear quarter over the wheel arch. I've tried contacting Chips Away for the last 3 weeks now with no repy at all. I live near coventry and was wondering if anyone knew of an alternative company that would be prepared to take on the work. I've used touch up paint to prevent the damp getting in and causing more damage but any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. SAM.
  5. I'll be voting for you Amy, i'm not sure if you've seen any of the trailers for the film though and i don't want to bring a downer on your exciting news but the trailer i saw looked really sad. By that i mean there are more explosions and cars being blown up than at the Iranian embassy and they the story writers seem to have lost the plot i.e. more and bigger explosions make a good film. i think this franchise went downhill after the first film, but hey what do i know. I hope you have a wonderful night and you've got my vote, best wishes, SAM.
  6. Welcome i run an Azure blue Gt and i'm really happy with it as most of the Zeds i see are silver, there's loads of 'em. Nothing against silver but just check Pistonheads, about 85% of them are silver.
  7. ^^^just keep on trying other dealers and welcome to the forum.
  8. I have one in full working order £75 including post and packing.
  9. OH BOLLIX, Quick draw McKeyser beat me to it by seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Well what helpfull footage to give us all a really good idea as to what sounds the best to our ears. My personal favourite was the; Invidia Gemini, Stillen CAI and ERZ HFC's going from 0-70mph. A nice deep throaty sound on tickover thnen a slow progression of sound to the wail between gearshifts all the way up to 70mph. Time i suppose to start saving now i know the sound that i'm after. A good job well done. Thank you.
  11. Is this the guy who used to advertise on Pistonheads as Midwest Performance? The reason i ask is that the photos he takes seem to be taken in the same two places and he has a '350 Z' number plate on all of the cars he has for sale. If so it just makes me wonder why he's now flogging stuff on fleabay and losing money via commission, just makes me wonder if he encountered problems selling on Piston heads, maybe i'm being a bit cynical but i know a couple of mates who tried to buy Zeds off him and the price is the price is the price. He wouldn't even drop £50 which seems a bit harsh if you're playing $7k plus for a car. I know these wheels are rare but bloody hell £1600 with unknown hoops seems a little excessive.
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