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Everything posted by samsniss350z

  1. I use that on my tyres to prevent sunburn and to keep the rubber nicely moisturized.
  2. Not the best looking wheels I've seen, but each to their own and that's what ultimately counts as its your cash
  3. Welcome to the forum, you can pick up a lot of fantastic advice with regard to buying yourself a Zed which will be great value for money, good luck in you search.
  4. Is the catback Magnaflow still up for sale? If so what sort of condition is it in and what is your asking price?
  5. If you still have the aerial, I'll take it off you. PM sent
  6. Any chance you could put up a couple of photo's just to see how corroded they are?
  7. As with LaidbackLuke, whereabouts in the big wide world are you based?
  8. The outside of my drivers door glass is chuffing opaque its scratched that much. I think the previous owner used sheets of 60grit to clean it
  9. The 350DE was designed to do 200,000 miles with regular servicing (can't remember the name of the guy who designed it) but as Bronzee says the my350z.com site has guys running well over 200,000 miles, so as long as its looked after you have many more miles of happy motoring left.
  10. There's a marina not far from where I live, it doesn't really matter what you use as long as its suitable for use outside and says 'UV PROTECTANT' on the tin. I can't remember what brand I used (I'll have a root around in the shed to see if I can find the tin) suffice to say it wasn't the most expensive as at the time I wasn't 100% sure it would work but as I say one year of the Zed being outside and they're still as good as new. I just applied a couple of light coats (it looks a bit crap if it runs), job done.
  11. I've also had a couple of S14's and if it wasn't flagged up as being an S14 I would never in a million years guessed that it was one. That thing has undergone surgery of the worst kind. I'm not surprised it keeps coming up every couple of months. Does it come with a free guidedog? Mind you it wouldn't take you long to find that thing in a car park would it?
  12. It looks nice and tidy, keep us up to date with your mods,
  13. Skidder, all you need to do is buy a small container of UV polyurethane sealant suitable for external use. If you can buy some from a marine shop that's designed to work in sunlight from weak UK sun to powerful Jamaican sun, This will do the trick for a few years to come. The difference is not only aesthetic but it will make your headlights brighter as well.
  14. You need to check out the price of the headunit that Danboy is asking as there is a substantial difference between his price and yours.
  15. My aircon at 18 degrees freezes me to the point of having goosebumps, even in that really hot weather we've been having recently. I'd get it regassed or at least checked over. My old S14 needed regassing every couple of years as it would blow warm and after regassing it was freezing again.
  16. Ian, what a fantastic link to the 350Z bodykit page, the rate I'm going this afternoon I won't be leaving until about 9 tonight, talk about comprehensive.
  17. Is the Ducati the new version of the old monster? If so it looks the business. When are you holding the funeral for your ZED? I know its going to a good home but a good 'ole New Orleans style funeral will send it off in style.
  18. I've cleaned, rubbed down and used a UV sealant on mine on the outside because the lenses had gone really smokey/hazy. I don't know if using the same process on the inside of the lense would work though. Are you sure the haziness is on the inside of the lense? The outside usually goes due to the breakdown of the UV coating on the lense and the UV then causing damage and the smokiness. They are still as good as new over a year since I did them.
  19. Jeremy Clarkson and the team from Top Gear emptying his rather bloated bowels after a long lunch and a couple of bottles of wine.
  20. This looks really good, the only problem I foresee is if you have a car of a colour that you couldn't grt a match for the bung and the boot would need respraying, although I just read Macks entry and hope that the bloke comes through for him. Great job though.
  21. You know those kids who drive around in old sheds with Turbo stickers on every panel and that advert by that Barry Scott geezer who sells Cillit Bang under the guise of Turbo Power. That could be you. Your wife speaks a lot of sense, time to give her credit where credit is due.
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