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Everything posted by EvansJD2112

  1. Dropping to £40 with free postage ..
  2. It does look really good. More of a Tokyo Flash fan myself :-)
  3. This is my gift from work for my 15-year service They didn't have any Zed bits in the gift options, so decided on the watch which I can sell to buy Zed bits The RRP of the watch is £525, and you can see more details on these sites http://www.gucci.com...244599I16301460 http://www.watchshop...-p99974804.html You can see on the receipt that purchase date is Feb 2015 Looking for £425 inc postage via Special Delivery
  4. Thanks for the feedback. No rush to sell so will leave as is for now
  5. Quick poll as there have been ~90 views and no feedback. Asking too much? People dont like Demon Tweeks? Thanks
  6. £50 of vouchers for Demon Tweeks Valid until 17th December 2015 Yours for £42.50 inclusive of postage Payment will be via Paypal
  7. Damn they look nice! "Must not spend bonus on the car, must not spend bonus on the car......"
  8. I've been using aCarputer as my app of choice for status info https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.adyno.acarputer&hl=en Just works and no scalling issues on high res displays
  9. Looking to get mine done next year. Was looking at Black Chrome http://www.thewheelspecialist.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/tws-finishes-high-res-june13/web_flash-chrome.jpg
  10. Very happy with my avh-x3500dab. Needed an external aerial to get a decent dab signal.
  11. Anybody using an Android tablet/phablet in their car will know you need to keep battery drain to a minimum when power is disconnected. Stumbled over this very useful app this week and sharing for others https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hk.suiaing.android.lock.screenlock&hl=en Basically forces the screen off when power is disconnected. Simple, but effective. I then use Battery Saver Pro to stop running apps and get into deep sleep as quick as possible. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rootuninstaller.batrsaverpro&hl=en_GB
  12. If you're taking HU out, why not take the feed from the HU power loom?
  13. What voltage/amps you after? To power my android tablet I wired this to switched power behind headunt http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B008OVL3SA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00
  14. I fitted one of these. Perfect fit to replace oem satnav This looks great where did you get this one ? Ooh and did you find it hard to fit the 7 inch tablet I bought mine from 1949deal.com; they seem to be out of stock. Aliexpress have a few sellers: http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20141109092924&SearchText=ulefone+u7 It was really easy to fit. i installed upside down so that the power button is accessible by removing the oem satnav controls. I use e-robot to detect when it gets power; this turns bluetooth/GPS/data etc on and then turns them off and forces deep-sleep when power goes off
  15. I fitted one of these. Perfect fit to replace oem satnav
  16. You'll need a fascia adapter plus converter cables.. From here http://incartec.co.uk/Manufacturer/Model/Brand/Device/Radio/Browser.aspx
  17. I tried one. Didnt work in the Z. I think maybe because of the FM amp used in the Z. Tbh, I tried glass, splitter etc and couldnt get a reliable signal until I went for a proper body mount. I lost FM which doesnt bother me but you can get combined FM and DAB body mount ones Out of interest, on a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate the body mount? 10 out of 10 for me. Have never had any burble or signal loss. Drove from Chester to Anglesey the other weekend and kept signal all the way. This is the aerial I have. http://www.dabonwheels.co.uk/Kinetic_DBA-5001_DAB_car_aerial.html
  18. Take it that no responses means no! Looks like the iPod is staying and I lose out on £100 to spend on more stuff I dont need but want í ½í¸€
  19. I tried one. Didnt work in the Z. I think maybe because of the FM amp used in the Z. Tbh, I tried glass, splitter etc and couldnt get a reliable signal until I went for a proper body mount. I lost FM which doesnt bother me but you can get combined FM and DAB body mount ones
  20. I replaced the FM aerial with a DAB one because I coulnt get a reliable signal with anything else.
  21. As I dont actually use the App mode on my x3500dab, I thought I would sell the iPod Touch I currently have and switch to a 128gb USB stick I have spare. Loaded it up with music, plugged it in, built the database and chose to save to memory. All good and working fine. But, after stopping and starting the car, the database is lost and you have to re-do the db and save again. Not really practical. I've tried a number of drives from 2gb upto a 1tb drive and also tried FAT16, just in case; same problem. There are quite a few reports of users with the same 'feature' on other forums but I cant find a definitive answer whether this is normal or there is something wrong... Question then; anybody using a USB drive with their Appradio/x3500/x5500 and dont have to rebuild and save the db after each power cycle?
  22. Will be my 3rd MOT and service in December. Used L&G for the previous 2 and wouldnt go elsewhere. Great service and loan car if needed.
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