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Everything posted by Arran

  1. Arran

    New car time!

    Cayman S all day long, wouldn't even look at the other two tbh
  2. What make are they do you know?
  3. You will have to reset the ecu once the butterfly has been moved, takes 20 seconds
  4. 10.8 lift duration is for the revup and 10.3 is for the DE, the G1 cams have 252 not 264 like the G2 hence no need for uprated vlave springs
  5. White Toyota Supra TT 6 speed (tuned of course) White Aston Martin DBS, twin supercharged Black E46 M3 CSL Dark blue ferrari 599 gto Pagani zonda tricolour 997 911 gt2 rs in gunmetal My azure Z fully built NA
  6. These are for a revup not a DE, shame as i wanted these. The G1 cams are for the DE, G2 for revup and G3 for HR Damn
  7. I'm the same age (24) as this generation of slammed business and i hate all that stuff. Much rather actually drive the performance car we have fast instead of drag it's arse along the road, each to their own though.
  8. Some owners are a different breed Dan
  9. I'm not the one buying knock off parts
  10. That video Mate chuck it in the bin, open up a paypal case and buy a real one. For 130 quid extra you'd be silly not to. Peanuts really in comparison to what's at stake
  11. Trouble is the Z and the 46 M3 are cheap enough now so they are getting into the wrong hands, what a ****ing bell cheese
  12. I was the last person to have work done by Vlad, shame really due to his circumstances as the work is top notch
  13. Ah cheers man! Means alot, I find I have to research what im about to invest in and use the best parts possible without compromise for sure. Its the only way for me
  14. A milltek and hfc? They will ask you wether the car is running
  15. Thanks boys does look really really good well pleased. Dave I think the centre console aswell would be to much, I think its just right how it is nice subtle change instead of boom in your face
  16. How loud is the Injen kit when driving? I keep looking at them but not quite sure as there isn't a lot about them on the DE. Nice looking Z though!
  17. Thanks chaps, it really does make a big difference to the interior. Can't wait for the steering wheel to finish it! Then just got to get the door card armrests covered in leather then make a start on researching headlining material
  18. Yet another update for the books! Had my interior booked in with Vlad to be carbon'd with a twist so last saturday saw me make my way up to the very nice Warwickshire to swap over interior, I also had booked myself in with Jack at Royal steering wheels for the return but that didnt go to plan but more on that later. Decided for my birthday back in February that the interior needed that extra touch as much i was happy with it, it just lacked that final touch so got in touch with Vlad about doing most of what could be done in cabon, I decided to go with a black base like normal carbon with half the weave in gold and then a gold candy lacquer to finish. After swapping over bits (thanks for the time and help Vlad, Much appreciated :thumb: ) the interior now looks like this Doorcard off (suprisingly easy!) Drivers side door card Passenger door card Steering wheel controls Complete centre console Gear surround with new gaiter, black alcantara with orange stitching Compartment lid and spare switch cover Top speedo trim The most important view the oil temp gauge will be going into the a pillar when oil cooler gets fiited Carbon key case and new reverse and fog LED's Carbon speedo face trim (need to put it on asap!) with new key built up and fresh nissan badge (oh the small anal things ) On the way back from Vlad's, i called into Jack at royal steering wheels place to get my new wheel fiited but once my wheel was off and the new one ready to go on, Jack showed it to me and it wasnt the correct spec id asked for so after some thought i decided to go with the new one for a week while he made me another one anyway to see how i get on but went to fit it and it was clearly from a crashed car as it didnt sit right at all. Jack was very appolagetic and ive been a customer of Jack's before so i know it was heartfelt, So back my old wheel went on and the drive home was without a new wheel no problem though as this week Jack is doing my other one so as soon as it comes in the post il be fitting it! So there we are for another update, there will be more over the coming weeks dont worry about that Thanks for reading Arran
  19. I have for sale a brand new handbrake gaiter, in black alcantara with orange stitching. I have the same setup for my new gear gaiter but wont need the handbrake one as im keeping it stock. Quality is really nice and the gear gaiter fits perfect so im sure with an aftermarket handbrake handle this will fit great £10 posted Cheers Arran
  20. Good news man glad its sorted. Although that was a perfect time for headers just to add to the cost!
  21. Tbh I dont know mate must be clipped on
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