Yet another update for the books! Had my interior booked in with Vlad to be carbon'd with a twist so last saturday saw me make my way up to the very nice Warwickshire to swap over interior, I also had booked myself in with Jack at Royal steering wheels for the return but that didnt go to plan but more on that later.
Decided for my birthday back in February that the interior needed that extra touch as much i was happy with it, it just lacked that final touch so got in touch with Vlad about doing most of what could be done in cabon, I decided to go with a black base like normal carbon with half the weave in gold and then a gold candy lacquer to finish. After swapping over bits (thanks for the time and help Vlad, Much appreciated :thumb: ) the interior now looks like this
Doorcard off (suprisingly easy!)
Drivers side door card
Passenger door card
Steering wheel controls
Complete centre console
Gear surround with new gaiter, black alcantara with orange stitching
Compartment lid and spare switch cover
Top speedo trim
The most important view the oil temp gauge will be going into the a pillar when oil cooler gets fiited
Carbon key case and new reverse and fog LED's
Carbon speedo face trim (need to put it on asap!) with new key built up and fresh nissan badge (oh the small anal things )
On the way back from Vlad's, i called into Jack at royal steering wheels place to get my new wheel fiited but once my wheel was off and the new one ready to go on, Jack showed it to me and it wasnt the correct spec id asked for so after some thought i decided to go with the new one for a week while he made me another one anyway to see how i get on but went to fit it and it was clearly from a crashed car as it didnt sit right at all. Jack was very appolagetic and ive been a customer of Jack's before so i know it was heartfelt, So back my old wheel went on and the drive home was without a new wheel no problem though as this week Jack is doing my other one so as soon as it comes in the post il be fitting it!
So there we are for another update, there will be more over the coming weeks dont worry about that
Thanks for reading