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Everything posted by Arran

  1. Going again in 4 weeks, cannot wait!!!!!
  2. Was surprised how easily it came out actually
  3. Titanium amuse intake pipe for me please, if you do see one I'm serious
  4. Il paypal the money tonight pal when in from work
  5. Yep I use last touch as a drying aid, once ive rinsed the car I spray last touch liberally around the whole car then dry off with a wooly mammoth. No water spots nothing. Perfect
  6. Cobra IMO will actually sound like a V6
  7. I'd opt for motordyne art pipes personally, depends if you want decat or not really. A glorious glorious sound without being intrusive
  8. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/62527-arrans-azure-350-gt-black-handles-more-12414/page__st__280#entry1259861 In there somewhere
  9. Welcome to the funny and expensive world of Z! On a side note, anyone would think most forum members have never seen a pretty girl before calm down lads
  10. They go over the wing badges, I have them on mine nice subtle change looks good
  11. Most drain plugs for engine sumps are non magnetic, gearbox and diffs have magnetic as standard. Having a magnetic plug helps capture small metal filings/particles and keep them there rather than being cycled around the engine reducing the risk of damaging something, small reduction but for 15 quid one you may aswell do.
  12. Wouldn't bother tbh, in essence the car is mapped already
  13. I use the hks ones which are the same principle as kn, higher oil flow and less pressure. Cant do any harm so id say go for it
  14. Has it got headlamp washer jets?
  15. Carbon battery and brake covers with gloss black plenum imo
  16. I actually really like the smallest blue one, looks cool!
  17. Thought it might keep him busy Cheers I wanted to keep it subtle looking but with my own touch on it, nothing ott. I want to tackle the engine bay next but planning it out looks like the stuff I want will be properly rare and expensive! No doubt it will happen though I really do like the new jag stuff, looks really modern and great looking. Yours in white with black looks purposeful yet classy like a jag should be. Really want an f type v8s roadster even for a weekend lol
  18. Had my rays done there, very good place!
  19. I saw yours earlier this morning aswell dave, looks lovely with all the black instead of chrome! Was mine being worked on whilst you were there?
  20. 300bhp is very achievable by the basic mods on depends on the engine you are tuning, good engine plus the usual breather mods and your there
  21. Arran


    Total time for me, clutch flywheel and manifolds 4 hours all in not going fast either
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