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Everything posted by Freebits

  1. !!!All gone!!! Thanks all for your interest - CrustyCrab seems a genuine bloke who hopefully will not eBay these off! He only has a need for the cubby and the sound material and he is going to take the gauges to the next meet for me to see if anyone wants to have them...anyone thinking of a turbo conversion maybe?!
  2. I used have a 350Z and installed a touch screen NAV in the cubby hole in the centre of the dash. To do this I had to get a replacement housing and I found the original (complete with door) whilst having a clear out over the weekend. I also found a couple of gauges (PSI and Volt) and a couple of rolls of sound deadening material. I could not bring myself to throw these away so hoping that someone on here will have some use for them. I do not want any money for but do require whoever wants them to come and pick them up - I live is Watford, Herts.
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