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Posts posted by wizurd

  1. Evening all :)

    Just a quick piece of advice needed. I've fitted a new gear knob. Having done that found that the existing gaiter doesn't stay in place at the base of the gear knob. It can freely slide up and down. Anyone know if this is normal? Any fitting suggestions.


  2. Not sure about others but my 55 reg zed gets slight condensation on the near side headlamp sometimes depending on weather conditions. It's very slight and goes away as soon as the environment heats up.

    I've not had an mot failure front it either.

  3. The 90s to me were all about grunge :)

    Boo ~ you greebo. :lol::stir:


    It was mainly about "Happy Hardcore" for me & my mates. :lol: Not to mention the Prodigy and dance music. B)


    Trendy freaks lol. But then weirdly ended up into dance music in uni. Odd.

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  4. You've got some pretty crappy neighbours if they are bumping your car and not leaving a note. Can you park it somewhere where u could fit a camera to keep an eye on it. I'd be seriously pished

  5. The amount of people who get a degree and think they can walk into a 60k a year job are deluded. Even with a degree, everyone starts at the bottom. A degree is just a key to a door.


    It allows you to network. And sadly with many things in life people soon learn that its not always what you know, but who you know. And in some accessions the uni you went to can be that connection.

    so true that! Only a few degrees instantly give people access to reasonable wages, I'm thinking teachers, Dr's, lawyers. But then all of them also have to do years of further and continuous training to earn those 60k plus figures.

  6. fair enough mate ,


    but success isnt granted on your grade tho well it is to a amount if all you want is money and your own office,but what good is being the richest man in the grave yard,

    success can be grade in different ways im really jealous of one of the slow kid in my year who now travels the world with a company welding, no matter how far you've gone in uni doesnt make hands on skills, the kid was always creative and good with his hands making things but was useless at statistics and English because it bored him would i say hes successful being paid to travel the world yea and plastering images on social media so everyone stuck doing 9-5 in an accounts office doing the rat run,and these these people posting they hate there job there bored they wish there could do other stuff i would, hes earning half they are hes much happier and less stressed and enojys what he does


    Spot on. I agree that money is not the be all and end all. Also good grades don't guarantee anything. Learnt that after uni when I had to go back to working in a wind screen wiper factory just to find a job. I didn't actually think my degree was worth anything for a few years but then the last two roles I've had I couldn't have got without the degree. Doesn't mean I'm all that happy though. But then I get bored easy :)

    Working with you hands, being creative, I don't think is something you can learn. Either got it or you haven't and yes agree that it should be worth just as much in the job market as anything else. I'd argue the same for care based roles where people have some really awful jobs they have to do and get paid pittance to do it.

    I'm my world lol I'd be turning a lot of the wage structures on their heads.

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  7. And no. Not knowing your Mac Beth doesn't make you dumb lol. When people do judge based on things like that it gets my goat. Get that even now out of education. People thinking they are God's gift to IT and databases. What they don't realise is that no body knows it all and everyone will be wrong at some stage. Stopping with that though before I start to rant lol

  8. thats fair enough mate i dont now when you was in school but i left in 2007 my english exam and the 3 years before were basically spent looking into macbeth and another 1-2 subjects that were in the exams we covered nothing else, so when you pass that test all youve done is prove you know about them 2-3 things nothing else which i think is what its getting at,


    have i used anything from macbeth or mice and men since leaving school no so does me doing below average at english makes me dumb no because all it was is a letter given regarding the level of knowledge of 2 story's


    Totally agree that the majority of stuff you learn in school is no use. I can't think of much that I learned in school that I use now for example Shakespeare or any religious education. I think it's like was said that a levels are suppose to get u in the mind set for degrees. Doesn't always work that's for sure when you look at the drop off rates for most courses after the first year. But I think that's the idea.


    The basic stuff I learned though with regards to English and maths obviously has helped me.


    I suppose the best thing is to do what you enjoy. At any stage in your life. If you don't enjoy school and can see something you're good at that you can make into a career go for it. Also I think there's too much pressure to be 'successful'. Means people take jobs for long periods of their lives just to earn mega bucks. But really it doesn't make you happy.

  9. 350z I don't think gcse's mean much. A levels more so. As for degrees. Tricky one. Most of my mates and me included struggled to find jobs after uni. But that was due to the lack of jobs in our fields. Now a few years on all of em are doing really well. Technically I am too but don't enjoy my job, different story.

    I also agree that for the vast majority without qualifications you will struggle to get above a certain grade. There are very few mega successful business people (the millionaires I mean) that haven't had significant help from either loaded parents/family or friends.

    All I'd say is for god sake do something you enjoy what ever the pay.

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