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Everything posted by wizurd

  1. SC! excellent idea and another thing i'd love to do, bank balance cant handle that at the mo though lol looking forward to the right up on that one
  2. Cheers Suits, didn't think about the exhaust note changing. Its reallly nice as it is at the mo, but sure it can only improve
  3. That's gutting and the timing sucks! Hate it when people do that. Finger crossed the body shop can get u in quick.
  4. That does look good! Like those wheels really suit it.
  5. Be good to see the wheels when they get back. Out of interest where have you got the front axle stands positioned?
  6. Cool cannot wait to add these onto the engine bay.
  7. That is one hell of a buy! Better than my 1.3 97 first for 600 quid lol.
  8. Lol. This place is the worst for your bank balance.
  9. Add me to the list as well going to Nissan Cardiff Friday morning so they can take some pics and send the claim off. You would think that if one passes and Nissan pay out then they all would. But we will see. Good luck CS2000. I'm trying my luck with the little bit of bubbling i've got on the top of the bonnet plus the rear quarter panel rust bubble. Worth a shot.
  10. Interesting that doc Colin. Can see the 12 years cover but also states vehicle must have followed the service schedule. So if a nissan garage turns around and says "didn't service it with us" they're in the right to do that? Don't get me wrong i want this warrant to work since i'll need it soon too lol
  11. Good work like that colour mate. No idea about the temperature for the calipers myself. Fingers crossed it'll work out ok though.
  12. Wow that's really good then! Is it only the bonnet they will cover for this then? I'm sure it's fairly rare for them to honor these guarantees from what I've heard in the past. Does make me wonder though.
  13. I know I commented on your other thread but loving the car. That colour is so nice. I also hate the rain! Stopping me cleaning and also fixing the car. Arghhh.
  14. Well done! Out of interest have you got a full Nissan service history then?
  15. Doesn't look like they're going all that quick until it all kicks off. Glad everyone was ok. An impressive few rolls from the one car! Agree as well looked like the mechanic on the left was worried about the people, one on the right more worried about the amount of work he'll now have to do to fix all that.
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