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Everything posted by PeterW

  1. Great link. Thanks. key sentence: " If the fuel you got was of a lower octane rating than that demanded by the engine's compression ratio and spark advance detonation could result and cause the types of failures previously discussed." So you can properly knack it then! Looks like Mrs W will be saving some cash on her diesel then...
  2. Sorry mate. No attitude intended, only wanted friendly advice. Thought one of you guys might have had an answer in a few seconds, rather than pages.
  3. Think it's about £3 a tank difference usually... but hate having vouchers and giving them to our lass... Fancy knowing what the technical difference is though as I no-one seems to know. From the sounds of everyone's responses I should have asked the Pope if I should wear a condom....
  4. 15 pages and 220 matches to the word unleaded on this forum Don't tell me google is better??
  5. Anyone technical know the risks? I know a few diesel cars that have been killed by using red diesel - no lubricant in it or something - what's the deal with unleaded vs super? Just mapping?
  6. 6p a litre off at Morrisons, so 123.9p per litre. One problem - they don't do Super Unleaded!! Worth it? What's the risk?
  7. It loves a drink - and a squirm in the wet! Went for a blast last night, but was hideous weather.
  8. That's what I read but I think it's the US market only. My car doesn't have the Airbag2 light on the dash at all, so assume it doesn't have the sensor. Plus it doesn't mention it in the manual at all. Anyone got other ideas? Surely some auto electrician somewhere can put a switch in??
  9. I have a 2011 370Z GT (Nav), and was hoping to take my 2 year old son out in it. I understand the passenger air bag can be quite dangerous if it goes off, so is it possible to deactivate like you can in other Nissan's? I know the US model has a sensor which automatically switches off the passenger airbag if the passenger is less than 50kg or so. Any thoughts of any company that might be able to fit a switch? Thanks Peter
  10. It's here! 2 questions - can you switch the passenger airbag off, or if not is it safe to have a toddler in his booster seat as a passenger? Pics to follow - my phone won't let me upload.
  11. Joined Monday, posted Tuesday, car lands Wednesday... hopefully won't write it off Thursday!!! I'll upload when I can, but it's just a standard car in British Summer Sky Grey
  12. Hi Everyone Glad to find a forum where there's a lot of local representation. My 11/11 370Z GT (Nav) is getting delivered to my work tomorrow. Bought unseen, so looking forward to getting my hands on it. First car I've owned for a while as had a company car for about 5 years. Last car I bought was a 2003 Focus RS which replaced my 2006/56 Clio 197. I know the 370Z quite well having taken one to the Le Mans 24H a couple of years ago and fancied one ever since. Tomorrow should be a good day!! Peter
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