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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. some songs which have had an effect on me when i was a teenager growing up in the Noughties be it the lyrics the video etc Some Sad stuff i find myself listening to when down or tell a bit of a story
  2. i would have though in most cases music effecting someone emotionally comes to personal links with a track
  3. or do they? as neither the blue or white is a 'Ford' Vehicle blue ones the G-F Rocket and the white one i think is a Roush Either way a bloody awesome trio (minus the ugliness of the G-F)
  4. i think you might find the celeb bit was a pisstake
  5. that because they are boring as @*!# to 99% of the general public and well thats not how you make money
  6. Top ten cars hmmmm not one is japanese and im sure i could squeeze these between a few cars
  7. Of course they're on a different level..THEY ARE SUPERCARS!!...UNOBTAINABLE for the majority. Which is why they're desirable, unlike a modded Jap car. What I mean is that you can chuck as much money at an R34 all you like, it'll never come close to a 355 in terms of the overall package. other than the image and snob factor im not sure what a 355 could offer over an r34 as i mean a 355 isnt the best made car ever and i imagine stock for stock an r34 would be faster
  8. do you mean and even split around the car or just purely painting them panels black and the rest orange?
  9. http://www.teamtarmac.com/uncategorized/20k-budget/
  10. its great if your local but if im honest its a bit of a @*!# show at times, get to rockingham much better run imo. Yeah man I'm drifting at rockingham next year. Looking forward to it as I've never been before. I'm lucky to have driftland,knockhill and crail all within an hour of me so never had to travel that far before so will be getting a trailer for it same with me i have norfolk arena, santa pod and rockingham all with in an hour from me, Which rockingham event you going for ?
  11. its great if your local but if im honest its a bit of a @*!# show at times, get to rockingham much better run imo.
  12. i think the point of that post and it applies to brexit, its not suck it up and get along, but remain voters and Clinton voters sitting there hoping they (trump and leaving the EU) **** up and being able to go told you so, kind of comes with some rather sour side effects, you voted remain i assume? so did i, Would i rather find in 3 year time brexit has helped me rather than what i feared and hindered me damn straight i would i would rather be wrong and better off than right and in the @*!# with the cards life has dealt
  13. Santa pod Bandit if you havent already check out my YT channel in my Sig i have two videos from Days at pod this year on there
  14. Wait, WHAT? This is all new to me, I've been away too long. I can think of 100 reasons why cowboys and indians is a little un-PC (not least of all because they were mistakenly called indians because the first ships thought they'd landed in east india, or because the cowboys wiped out the natives on a scale that made Hitler's persecution of jews look like a lover's tiff, and was only eclipsed by the decimation of the oldest cultures of Southern America by the Spanish) but cowboys and indians is what they are, it's what they are called in popular culture, as a definition, there is no connotation attached. Mercy me! As for a white women rapping, somebody said that was racist? WTF? How racist is it that a white woman can't rap because that's an exclusively black art-form? Don't tell me they are saying that rap is aproduct of persectution and that's why we can't possibly 'get it'..? if so, that's reeeeeally weak. Rastas and dreads I knew about from years back, the dreadlock does have a religious connotation for them, and in a way it's understandable (Seikhs might similarly get upset if white people started randomly wearing turbans), but the way the Rastas choose to live (ahem), means they don't give a huge toss anyway. lol. But this is the problem as i said above its now becoming unacceptable to do anything and everyone has had enough, i mean Cowboys and Indians, big pop culture case study there from films to the damn milky bar kid, but now people are deciding there being offended by it they weren't 15 years ago munching on a milky bar or watching Back to the future 3 in the cinemas so its just another thing you cant do without upsetting someone and god help you the moment you upset someone as you then get put in a little box with a horrible name all because you wanted to go to a fancy dress party in a costume as a cowboy and indian. What next dressing up as a Vampire is offensive Because Vlad the impaler ?
  15. but this is why what has happened in 2016 has happened. There has been a bit of a backwards oppression, for the last 5-10 years the western world has clamped down on being offensive to a point people are scared to voice there opinions in fear of being branded something, Where is the freedom in that? and it seem we have come to a point in time that a large majority of people are fed up living in fear of speaking there mind and along came two scenarios in the first world which gave a big two fingers up to being PC and people took it. Doesn't mean everyone who voted trump or voted out on britex is racist etc not at all. It shows people want the freedom to speak there mind. I don't mean that makes it ok for the KKK to start hunting down people, but if Mr Jones a 80 year old male living in east London feels scared to go to the shops because a large amount of black youths live in his area and line the sides of the path like there out Harry Brown he should have the right to raise his concern without being branded a racist Or if Mrs Stevens notice a large amount of her colleagues are now Eastern Europeans more than likely on less money, should she be allowed to express her concerns over job security without being branded a racist? Now im sure someone on here will come along with a comment like but buy doing this makes it ok for real racists etc to come out and do their thing, which yes is unfortunate but senarios like the above just get bottled up in community which then cause unrest and the issue escalates and then hate crimes are committed from all sides, were as had it been ok to discuss and raise the issues in the first place the escalation wouldnt have happened, Im not saying this is the sole reason for what has happened this year but i strongly feel its a reasonable part of it, people are being sick and tired of being told what they can and cant do or say.
  16. Is it just assumed that trump voters are low IQ, mind melted from TV idiots then?
  17. To be Fair Clinton in one of the debates turned around and said she wouldnt raise a $ on the current Debt then next point said about going to war with her no fly zone, not sure how she planned on enforcing a no fly zone on hopes,dreams and pocket fluff but i guess thats the joys of being a candidate
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