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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Straight to the point, looking to get a career on track no pun intended, i want to work in a sector i find interesting bu have zero idea where to start. if there is anyone who would be happy to talk to me via PM would be highly appreciated
  2. can i just say both of them wheels are horrific tbh i would get your arches fitted then have a play with wheels and spanners if you have any nice friends then buy wheel in correct fitment
  3. its cold right now and the imports have a tiny battery. if i dont use mine for a week it dies, tried 3 different battery's best i have found is the optima one but even then 10-14 days of no use and it dies
  4. After 3 episode i think the GT is well Meh, its not what i thought it was going to be its not what been advertised at all it is just purely Topgear with a different name. ill continue to watch it but there is literally no hype about it any more for me if im honest. If anything im disappointed all this talk of redesigning the show etc but other than a tent instead of a studio it is exactly the same as what it was on bbc.
  5. episode 3 looks more promising also why isnt the music in this the actual theme song?
  6. i have been looking at a pre fab one looking at getting this http://www.tesco.com/direct/cube-panther-gaming-pc-core-i7-quad-core-with-geforce-gtx-1050ti-graphics-card-intel-core-i7-seagate-1tb-sshd-with-8gb-ssd-windows-10-geforce-gtx-1050/271-3497.prd?skuId=271-3497
  7. its like an 40 minutes of that British air force/american air force fight joke
  8. Episode 2 is ****ing dreadful
  9. Get a cobra fantastic quality and good sound not obnoxiously loud lifetime warranty and supporting a UK manufacture appose to some chinese company
  10. did someone hit 88mph?
  11. Apparently standard gearing will do over 200? So with the final drive changed itl be about 180 max or so I've read. Still more than enough. No worries just let me know man as it's just sitting in the garage as a spare incase mine blows lol. Don't quote me but I think the kaaz is around 800 and I think the final drive is 3-400. Should be about 40-100 for fitting if you just hand them the diff. Il help you swap them over once it's done if you want to save you some cash. Doesn't take that long i think there was a Final Drive 4.08 on either RHDjapan or Z1 which was around £250
  12. i cant really take credit for it I've watched that a few times a still struggle with the maths . So... If I wanted faster 0-60 for Crail drag strip days, I would increase ratio to 3.9 or bigger then ?? most common one is the 4.08 Final Drive which going by youtube (i know its not totally reliable) but take a stock 350z 0-60 of around 5.7 to 5.1ish alot of money when you put it that way but on track it will allow out of corner acceleration to be increased and for drifting it will allow for the use of the torque a bit more, But all at a price of high rpm at motorway speed and a lower top speed.
  13. Do people do this as a mod to the zed ?. I've seen posts regarding the quaife diff and watched a few yt vids, is the quaife really as good an upgrade as the vids make out, as in for real road driving experience or is more for track / racing you would do it ? yea for driving hard a Diff is an amazing upgrade. i'm running a 2 way Kaaz in mine and its fine for normal use and amazing for when i want the rears locked up for drifting. Although not to say a 2 way or any aftermarket diff just locks the wheels and makes you slide. also the Final Drive as Brillo says can make a massive difference to how the car drives and pull. ut there are side effects to moving either way up the scale.
  14. Problem is Harris is great for the petrol head (Although he is boring in his delivery and expression imo) talking facts and figures but the mass public who made up topgears numbers couldnt give a stuff about the ZF gearbox in a BMW M135i etc they just want to see people doing dumb stuff and laughing at each others. Same with Sabine she can drive but the corvette vs viper film was horrific from a presenter stand point infact did she do anything other than that i cant recall?
  15. you have openly said in the past Topgear is @*!#
  16. Just something to note, not saying your implying this doc are but i have seen people bring up the P1 time was fake because his house got knocked down a few months back, but people seem to think this has been filmed like Topgear a week in advance episode 1 and 2 were shot months ago for GT, Do i think the fabricated it to loose, no. Do i think that they had more than 1 scenario filmed that would give the others opportunity to destroy the house, absolutely. One way or another his house was getting taken down, But its a scripted show we surely all know this by now. To be honest the best part of the episode 1 was the intro, but having said that i never found the episodes of putting super cars up against each other that interesting, as much as i love some sideways action 40 minutes of the same 3 cars doing the same thing gets boring. They only worked when they went from city to city doing challenges. episodes like the track toy one at donnington bored the crap out of me. Im also interested to see how they do the non car episodes as Topgear was a Car show but the Grand Tour can we be what it wants so might find episode 2 and 8 are the best in the series for not having cars.
  17. not music but these are good for a bit of motivation
  18. some music that get me a bit pumped
  19. Some Happy Music which get me in a good mood
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