Just something to note, not saying your implying this doc are but i have seen people bring up the P1 time was fake because his house got knocked down a few months back, but people seem to think this has been filmed like Topgear a week in advance episode 1 and 2 were shot months ago for GT,
Do i think the fabricated it to loose, no. Do i think that they had more than 1 scenario filmed that would give the others opportunity to destroy the house, absolutely. One way or another his house was getting taken down, But its a scripted show we surely all know this by now.
To be honest the best part of the episode 1 was the intro, but having said that i never found the episodes of putting super cars up against each other that interesting, as much as i love some sideways action 40 minutes of the same 3 cars doing the same thing gets boring. They only worked when they went from city to city doing challenges. episodes like the track toy one at donnington bored the crap out of me.
Im also interested to see how they do the non car episodes as Topgear was a Car show but the Grand Tour can we be what it wants so might find episode 2 and 8 are the best in the series for not having cars.