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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. did it only have 250bhp dont recall that lol i thought the eclipse was 4wd with an evo lump? something like this
  2. These films were utter BS from the start, ...sorry I've said it F&F fans. Take one of the first races in the film for instance: the racers were all accelerating in their cars for approximately 1 minute 15 seconds before you see Paul Walkers speedometer which reads 120mph, which then goes up to 140mph+ as the NOS is applied, ...so a tuned Mitsubishi Eclipse running NOS takes over a minute to get to 120mph on a flat straight road? Of course not. It's a film so it's bound to be unrealistic at times if not the entire way through and although there may be a few glimpses of realism with regards to modifications that's it. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed watching the F&F series of films but I've never once pretended that they are realistic in any shape or form. same thing with the plane scene it was a 1/4 mile race so it should have latest 10-13 seconds so it didnt take a minute it showed you everything that happened during that race from multiple points lol What next james bond travels the world but the film is only 2 hours long how does he do it, i dont know im not pretending its real lol, but everyone just cry it unrealistic the time scales dont match which is a poor excuse to hate on it.
  3. because they have all been wrapped around a lamppost, scrapped, or clean ones pull premium only nostalgic enthusiasts will pay
  4. nothing personal but i love this excuse against the FnF films. yet no one states the same about mission impossible or James Bond etc or someone say FnF is to unrealistic then sit down and watch the Avengers, its like hang on a minute I think its an expectation of each film. I am a massive Bond fan and love the far fetchedness of it. But its Bond. It started like that so I expect it, and embrace it. Avengers based on Sci Fi and Fantasy - So again accept it for what it is. (besides I want to be Iron Man) Fast and Furious on the other hand - started out about the underground car scene. It was about real things like, cars, modding, respect, rivalry and family. So when it has a runway that is 80 miles long with a military plane trying to take off and a scene with Dom and Letti colliding in mid air over an intersection and landing on a bonnet, not to mention driving a car out of a window in a Dubai Skyscrapper into the next building, it kind of takes the realism out if the film. It was that Realism and the underground street culture that was the allure which I love about F&F. That's why the first 5 have my vote. The rest, I will tolerate but not be excited. Just my opinion. Its not what it used to be. yea i think if you treat any film like a documentary your going to fail. but im going to defend the plane runway scene a little although yes it took the ****, the reason it took so long is they they showed lot of things happening in line making the plane take 10 minutes to take off etc, but what people seem to forget is all the stuff happened at the same time hard to show it all at once, if you think a set of characters was doing there bit for 2 minutes then whilst half of the other characters was just standing around waiting for them to finish then the others had there bit happen and the guys in the jeeps just drove along casually at the same time i think your missing something. i think that makes sense lol. just you see people work out the plan scene was i dunno 15 minutes long and the plane must have been doing X speed so 15 mins x x speed = 30 miles lol but that 15 minutes is a handful of fights/manoeuvres/tricks all happening at once but shown individually.
  5. nothing personal but i love this excuse against the FnF films. yet no one states the same about mission impossible or James Bond etc or someone say FnF is to unrealistic then sit down and watch the Avengers, its like hang on a minute
  6. has tim with the twin turbo gone made on weight loss and thinks he is around 13-1400kg with a twin turbo kit bolted on
  7. yea see when you look back at it it never was directly. Each film has had a heist about something, expect 3 which is the one which did the worst in the box office
  8. I dunno im sure you have said that me lol
  9. Last time i drove with the NS-2 the car handled like @*!# in the wet just under-steered
  10. didnt think you get traction problems hard parking
  11. +1000 Driving the GMC in this weather must be fun
  12. Awwwwwwwwwwww there so cute and tiny
  13. its a sport car a harsh ride is part of the package, i guess it depends on what you define as harsh and what your comparing it to. What tyre size are you currently running?
  14. is Combe doing their Japday again?
  15. im confused what wheels ?
  16. No he expects the man to sell his time at 0.0p per hour its only fair then as there is no cost is there being in a company that does some fabrication i can tell you now even with a jig to get proper weld not pigeon @*!# tacks and QC and your looking at 1.5-2 hours to cut place weld and check one of these i know the guys i work with work on around £50ph for private stuff, Now give a quicke estimate on the amount of plate being used i think your plate costs are going to be around £40-50 depending on supplier or thickness you want you use. So now looking now £150 before even painting it. Which going buy previous history in louvers in the UK a top quality paint job is bare minimum. i would expect a quote for a proper job to be around another £75-100 per unit so a total cost of £250 sounds about right to me. Now would i go to all the effort of this to make a £20 profit on it hell no, so the price of around £350 sounds reasonable to me all things considered. a 28% gross margin. i almost bet the people moaning in here are not upset for paying a similar margin on most of things in life. i bet your not in Currys saying come on pal china makes these TV for £40 why you selling to me for £800.
  17. my thought are i would save up and buy something from the work emotion range or maybe Forgestars flow form Work M.C.O 17x9 et15 17x10 et 25 set you back around £1150 would rather £1150 for works than £800 for rota imo as there actually light will would perform better than a heavier rota/jr
  18. I do like them but again it's the fitment. I'd need spacers up front which I wanna avoid how wide are you going there 17x9 et20 for the front of an mr2 that must be enough
  19. any good? http://jr-wheels.com/towar.1911.japan.racing.jr12.17x9.et25.5x100114.hyper.silver.html
  20. you can get more depth 1pc wheels but not for the money your looking at ie £4-500, especially not in 5x114 unfortunately you have to make a sacrifice In Budget + good fitment = poor design In Budget + good design = poor fitment Good design + good fitment = out of budget if i was going the whole hog and doing a widebody build i would wanna hold back get some snazzy wheels
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