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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. StevoD


  2. Just curious as guy on here messaging me about them i gave him a price and seem rather insulted and said there way overpriced
  3. just a quick one £1100 for the following over priced? 19x9.5 et 20 white grid drift with Khumo escta 245-40-19 (500miles of wear) 19x10.5 et 20 White grid drift with khumo ecsta 275-35-19 (500miles of wear)
  4. The diff is really good to be honest. I notice it locking up less effectively when it gets hot, don't know about you Stevo? I've heard that if you weld it you'll snap drive shafts like anything, which has held me back from welding it up. You can get a cusco 2 way for a couple of grand though yea i wouldnt weld it, ive not really every found any issue with it to be honest even when hot, never had an issue pushing the back end out And still not heard of 350 blowing the diff up i mean there i recon 10-15 people in the uk who actively drift 350z in the uk when i say actively i mean people go to drift days and give it some all day apposed to the local hero kicking the bum out on a junctions and doing donuts, but in the states there's hundreds of people using them now, and ive not heard any thing
  5. Rota Gr6 any good weak offset and only 99.5j but similar style
  6. they were on the car when i bought it i no they were fitted from factory as an option in japan so id guess since birth cars done 114,00 km from what im aware they drop it 20mm im not going to lie and say they never been used but they were on the car at a track day at snet and the car handled amazing to the point the other 350z there on the day just couldnt keep up on the corners whether or not that was suspension or not is up for debate.
  7. £300 can arrange shipping at buyers cost which will post as well as packaging
  8. Cheers mate just i used the 3m bodytape stuff and it was fine till it got wet so one sides loose so need to take it off and find a new solution also tried side step with y current ride height with them i have just less than an inch between road and car
  9. WHERE DID YOU GET THE MAX PARTS enquirer about them with place in japan and states never got a reply ??
  10. as im taking the 350z out skid duites for a bit i might have a few i can give ya
  11. 24 and its £350....it's not just about age though unfortunately. Postcode, job, driving history etc! How the hell have you managed to get it for £350 at 25!! I'm 23 and paying just short of £800!!!!! im 22 paying £530 from admiral F/C
  12. No but our generation will develop and use the next 'engines' due to the combustion engine having a few overlooked issues like fuel and emissions if it was that amazing im sure the sky would still be filled with them. No but with any luck we will be the generation to beat cancer, and the generations to follow mine will out do my generation no doubt.
  13. Just interested in the dumb part i guess the same generation that developed the device you use this forum, the same generations that has developed cars like the gtr the same generations developing eco energy solutions to fix what older generations ****ed up on etc etc.
  14. I guess by playstation generation you mean people like me,
  15. the Rotrex beast, sounded unreal on full chat these cars are real nice in the blue with a set of bronze works wheels and a few carbon bits
  16. Looks like a west coast customs reject
  17. na its a straight six non turbo 2jz but all sold in the uk are Autos :/
  18. http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201306157311094/sort/default/usedcars/price-from/1000/price-to/2000/model/accord/make/honda/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/type%20r/postcode/sg87sb/page/1/radius/1500?logcode=p
  19. can you get a mazda 6 mps and a focus rs for 2k these days ?? they dropped alot in the last 12 months if so Honda accord type r? 2.2 vtec
  20. Hmmm....don't know much about them. Bit slow aren't they? yea slow nice cars tho if you could push the boat out and get an altezza bit more like it but there was a TTE supercharged is200 on ebay last few weeks for £2000 BIN
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