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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. *cough* Varis bonnet.....which Seibon do a copy of...*cough* Nice Vertini drifts by the way
  2. Look nice only thing i dont like is the odd sized square plate, if your going to run a Square plate why not run proper import sized one? Do like the wheel tho are the nurburgrings in all black?
  3. Bit like when people from the uk go to the ring
  4. id have that love the blue
  5. Zeds are old and cheap now Maybe for some not all of us are that fortunate we can afford to ruin a 5k car
  6. Nothing like a DIY arch job, On older (cheaper) cars me and mates used to uses jack handle or scaffolding bar to roll them using the natural car weight against the tyre, was yeehaa but worked dont thinking im prepared to try it on the z tho
  7. Do you believe in them if so or why or have any good videos or experiences to share that we can think of reason why? (not saying this is real but be intrested to find out more )
  8. I do believe the bible etc are all story's which have been blown out of proportion. Fate i don't believe in there isnt not such thing as a soul mate etc at the end of the day you make your own luck, you control your own body you had the choice to go chat up that girl in the bar, you choose to do it or not to do it, you choose to let your work life take over anything else and you also choose to be someone sitting at home not chasing dreams When you die it is lights out unfortunately, But i do believe in some of this paranormal stuff tho
  9. Hmm this puts me off the idea of getting my Z wrapped
  10. My import is still limited to 112mph
  11. The thought had crossed my mind lol. If not it'll be an awesome car to just drive about in :-P Could always let me try
  12. StevoD

    American Muscle

    there is one of these sat behind my house rusting away
  13. Bizz hope you dont mind me asking but what have you budgets for this project
  14. the original Gram lights with the titanium rainbow lips are awesome but have a hefty tag i think these wheels look a little bit flat for the 350z need more dish, i think there a company in america that do a similar wheel for not alot Bk racing do a rainbow lip wheel but only in 20s i think these the american ones cant find name think there konigs or motegis
  15. Yea but were them skiddy types who dont want rubber unlike the nice peoples on here who like to treat there 350z a little bit more well friendly lets put it
  16. WOW the things i would do for that fastback Just waiting on them Numbers coming up nice Zed by the way think everyone's attentions on the stang tho
  17. ive all already got the answer cheers fella and had plenty of messages about them so you answer its your own and not the masses Obviously not with the guy that "seemed insulted" with the price and hence why you asked the question. I didnt actually mention price anyway, just classifieds are littered with Rota Grid Drifts and dw might be a good avenue if your wanting to sell. Check out the spec on a lot of the D1 spec cars, a lot run 19's as do competitive drift cars over here for the point of me being bored at work other than polos G35 and luneys supra no other car in the BDC runs 19s and i somehow doubt Saito ,Orido or any other D1 driver or Formula D are doing to pop on to 350z-uk or DW to buy a pair of Rotas from the uk when them and original alternatives are available in there own country, your correct you didnt mention price but when saying dirfters dont care about the rubber on your saying brand new khumo are now worth as much a Achilles with 1mm tread left? in my eyes and please people of 350z-uk correct me if im wrong but what are you more likely to buy a set of wheel with good rubber on or a set with no rubber that you now have to find rubber yourself. But cheers for your input.
  18. personally i think we should all campaign for mr blobby to be on it anyway
  19. well it is Note the following is fictional im not a rapist. So for arguments sake lets say 'im down the pub i see a girl and say rather openly i would love to rape her' Or i post on a girl i knows facebook wall ' i would love to rape you' How is that not a threat
  20. Whats the issue here for people Men raping women Or men threatening women? (just for the record im not agreeing with either) As i bet everyone male or female has said to there mate down a the pub about someone god id love to smack him one in one way or another, is this not the same thing a physic threat? I mean its a common thing for blokes to be like this right about each other, yet these feminist types want equality (not against it), So they in this example a threat is made from a male to a female why does it make it worse for the threat to be a to a woman than a man if the female in question fights for equality? on the other note Curtis Woodhouse got harassed on twitter, gave a reward for the Twitter trolls address got it and went down to his road tweeted photo of his house tagging the troll calling him out, so its not always a case of nothing comes of giving abuse on social media and to those that are offended by stuff
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