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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Not pulling hard enough if not mine only locks at 30mph plus
  2. Good to see some more Z's out there on some UK drifting looked good any exterior footage?
  3. u just missed out on a local jap meet in cambridge look up jdm-register.co.uk Look nice look out for a silver 350z on white rota grid drifts and that me im often around Cambridge
  4. SVN in 19x10.5 et 20 and 19x 9.5 et20 or D2ex in above sized but with this finish or candy
  5. this car has 18s up front 20s in the rear cant recall widths and offset And its battered as hes not scared to us it rather than have it looking pritty in car parks http://vimeo.com/49510174
  6. im silver from royston but not me dont no of any other local z's
  7. Other than select few born with the silver spoon in mouth, We were all born with the same chances in this country with education paid for by the goverment, If these people didnt do well in school or try hard to get in a good job thats there desicion not like someone who is hit by a bus and is now disabled. So yes someone who has become disabled deserves a car.
  8. To be honest im with ddcboyle, If hes putting his money he earns towards a grant to get a dream car then let him, i think we need to stop scum getting jsa then spending it on drugs before someone gets there disability allowance removed , At least his moneys going towards what it should rather than as above or these types poping out kids and using child allowance for drugs and alcohol.
  9. Just looked on the mobility website you cant get a M3? it list all the cars your allowed a grant on http://www.motabilit...abriolets&Find= or is this something different?
  10. dunno were ya from but get down to a Norfolk Arena Drift day
  11. you dont know cyclists till youve been to cambridge and im guessing oxford id say 70% of thing on the roads are bikes and a large proportion of them are foreigner students who can barely talk English let alone understand road laws so they just cycle when and where they want, if its into your door as your waiting at red lights so be it, if its the wrong way down a one way street in the middle of the road so be it, No reg No Insurance so any damage cant be traced. Three most anothing cyclists are the above foreigner confusers , The race pack bread and the Hipster fixxie bike brigade (see video) Dont tax bike just make them so they have to be registered and insured and have a tax disc/inspection disc to state if its road worthy
  12. Keith Rip started Ripspeed he used to race Rallycrosss in a mini and he had a store in Enfield many years ago. Probably was Halffrauds then. Think there the people that run R-tec in st albans as well
  13. GTA 4 was a huge let down after the stuff you could do in GTA San andreas but this looks to have brought back what was so good
  14. StevoD


    Almost exactly the same as their GT2 wheel which has been around for ages But if you dont like forged light weight rims, lets banish them too Is say the Gt2 is more of a Advan tc2 than a lmgt4 imo And i dont get what you getting at with if i dont like forged light weight rims, lets banish them too SSR build a quality lightweight forged wheel, i think they can be forgiven for copying a design. The irony that Rota are complaining of copies when most of their range are copies is where the thread is at Some else who cant read the article, They have complained as untested wheel are out on the market branded as rota, Since when were rota grids marketed as Volk Te37? As alot of people cry about rota being @*!# this that and the other they do get them safety tested and alot of OEM car wheel are made by rota. So i think rota have a big reason to complain looking at the bigger picture These fake rotas go out 1000 of sets shatter the OEM market gets wind and rota loose £millions of contracts due to unsafe wheels going out with rotas name written all over it.
  15. £850 with good tyres and undamaged wheels id guess the only problem is the market for 18s is flooded with GTRs in these sizes so its buyers market
  16. StevoD


    Almost exactly the same as their GT2 wheel which has been around for ages But if you dont like forged light weight rims, lets banish them too Is say the Gt2 is more of a Advan tc2 than a lmgt4 imo And i dont get what you getting at with if i dont like forged light weight rims, lets banish them too
  17. Didn't know it actually stood for something! So circuit sport diffusers and chargespeed diffusers then
  18. ive watch the first 3 and stopped the first one is a standard car hows that ricer ? the second is a fairly stock s13 just lowered on wheel not really ricer? the third is from the inside of an impreza so cant tell how riced is it but its not a crash its a mechnical failure? Now having watched the rest there is alot more Ricer cars on here than in that video Fact.
  19. the only thing with that weds video not saying there wrong but it seem strategically place to do more damage as the imitation has one spoke directly under the hammer where as the original has it placed so the impact is shared across two spokes and it also looks like the machine allows for more bounce when the real wheel is hit
  20. StevoD


    Speaking of copys what you think to SSR new wheel looks familiar, Guess we can banish SSR aswell now
  21. HAHA thats awesome want one but why is it on a lead?
  22. Bit like when people form the uk go to the ring Or the Autobahn. Or in any rental car. Or in the US. Or in Wales?! or anywhere in the lakeside/southend area on a brisk Saturday evening
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