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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Everyone can drive like Ken Block, just depends for how long I'm just going to leave this here.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-PGCmizGgw He got lost as there where no orange cones or barriers Give the guy a break
  2. I know its not 350z but my japspeed S14 exhaust Turbo back incl Tubular Manifold didn't fit well it it used to hit on the underside of the car, But it was better than the POS Powerflow that had been Custom built by Stevie wonder previously, But like most things in the aftermarket car world, You pay for quality, Ive had shitty ebay bargin bucket exhaust threw to the Titanium Fijitsubo i have now on all different sorts of cars and the difference in quality does increase with the £££ obviously there are some exceptions to the rule, Just depends on your personal standard on what quality your happy with.
  3. But at the end of the day its your car do what you want
  4. Full competition Drift car, id imagine it will be trailer only as dont wanna drive all the way and wreck and then get stuck
  5. Everyone can drive like Ken Block, just depends for how long What crash alot and have hundreds of practice runs, then get beaten at your own game by drivers like foust and doran,
  6. Well im not a fan looks wheel look from a kiddies electric car
  7. Yea but there branded as rota, Yes i agree if they go stick volk center caps and sticker on then yea its the same thing But there not claiming there volks Which making a carbon bonnet Hydra dipped Kinda implys i want it to be take as CF, I dont want want my rotas to be called Te37 if that makes sense So i don't stick the stickers of volk to give the impression that its something its not i still use the Rota branding Because i no and im not trying give the illusion there not rotas.
  8. But rotas arnt Prending to be made of a material there not?
  9. and prepare to que for ages, i will be there with some sitting pretty stand
  10. One thing that i hate about that images is the fake weave doesn't even look to match in right,
  11. Like getting a Hot super model home and find its got a Bigger **** than you, If it aint real don't do it
  12. **** i hate that saying, so what up till then i have no concept of human nature, ive not loved and lost family or friends Off topic sorry
  13. So Im guessing this bucket seat drop in solution isnt a full kit now anymore?
  14. If you want a private reg get one from here http://dvlaregistrations.direct.gov.uk/ But to me it sounds like you want an illegally spaced plate? like " NI55AN " Z
  15. Silly as it sounds its not like a fuel station near the dealer you've only used after servicing there and never go to any other time and its bad fuel?
  16. Not really sure what your asking most with import sized holes get import sized plates
  17. Hmm to be honest it doesnt state your buying the Ownership of the plate, Just buying a Number plate with them digits/numbers for all you no a Plate for Colorado with them digits could turn up, In fact it doesn't even say its a car plate You wanna buy my private number plate
  18. Music is lifestyle as is cars me and likes of a few others on here like to sling are cars around smokeing rubber others like to build cars that look pretty parked up some hip hop some like rock someone stated these chav tunes will be forgotten and the will for the likes of the older gen rocking away to guns and roses but for those that are in there younger years getting there crazy holiday clubbing memories these tunes will never be lost in their minds
  19. hmm Welding machine operator is on the NOC list no official quals in it tho just experience in the company im in now but before that a full qualified VW tech but i cant find vehicle technician on the list Canada was on top of the list not sure why tho maybe its Australia animal wanna kill you america people wanna kill you haha will look into the canadian experience
  20. Did anyone use a company like this ?? http://globalworkandtravel.co.uk/
  21. StevoD

    Benen Tow Hooks

    How about getting a Motorized plate thingy form tarmac and get it in ya grill so you can hide ya plate and get to ya hole
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