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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. 3 sides to every story 2 sides of bullshit and the one hidden side of the truth
  2. Yea Mallory Park is dead and to be honest surprised it lasted this long, but for many reasons as Dedman says it was going to happen Maybe we could ask all 36,000 on that list to pay a fiver and that would cover the rent but i dont think that will happen
  3. StevoD

    Good deal?

    no your mistaken all the cool kids have white The cool kids have varrstoen wheels, which is why we aren't cool the things you dont know mr Dedman Seriously?! You're like 50 stages higher than me on the cool rating already N you got the balls for the BGW
  4. yea Robot Wars! I had the remote control Shunt and Sir Killalot, were great fun until my mum took them away because I was "modifying" the weapons to be slightly more effective! We we used to have little fights at primary school, untill i got a one of the american version battlebot toys that actually did some damage as the wheel actually span at quite a high rpm and i broke the other toy robots haha Going offtopic but i wasnt aware clarkson did the 1st series of robot wars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib_7Kb_ddjk
  5. WOW so of them games are old all my childhood involved was these
  6. speak the guys at japaneseperformance.ie they might be able to help ya
  7. StevoD

    Good deal?

    no your mistaken all the cool kids have white The cool kids have varrstoen wheels, which is why we aren't cool the things you dont know mr Dedman
  8. StevoD

    Good deal?

    no your mistaken all the cool kids have white
  9. i think BM said he got his out in germany to 175mph GPS
  10. StevoD

    Good deal?

    there are **** ugly tho Max power Circa 2001
  11. Im sure aston wouldnt care about the cygent toyota might not be to happy tho.
  12. This is a good point which i never thought off, everything that's here has always been here we have bought new carbon emissions into the earths atmosphere, the carbon was always here Also if C02 is heavier than air how come we haven't all suffocated yet and how come it rises all that way to effect the o-zone?
  13. or if you want a cheap solution these xxr 526
  14. Kinda answered your own question any car will handle it if you keep up with maintenance and any issue get sorted
  15. hmm i would have been impressed if it was still running the Honda engine But a LSx built drag motor isnt that surprising to be honest
  16. its a nice car but 'sickiest' in the uk no it certainly isnt
  17. Your PCD is 5x114.3 dont buy anything but this a good set up on the 350 is 19x9.5 et20 Fronts and 19x10.5 et20 Rears I imagine this set up would be good on the 370z aswell but someone can confirm
  18. Bizz is a Pro Drifter any ideas Bizz
  19. StevoD

    E46 m3

    no no no you just go JDM on your german,
  20. if it is worth it you can add me to the list username: Stevod location: Cambridge jobd/obd2: Test on my import reads and clears codes
  21. Whats wrong with oversteer? doesnt have to be 20mm it is OEM, but on my LMGt4 i had 225 on the front 255 on the rear no issue at all, ive also ran 245 front and 275 rear with no issue (only issue caused was when moving to a lower profile on the 245), Traction control more works on rolling radius than tyre width as it works but working the travel speed of each wheel out then it notices one wheel spinning out of sequence with the other it will apply brakes etc to bring them all in line again. I could have a 215 up front and a 315 in the rear as long as the rolling radius is in line with each other via the profiles Traction control wont have an issue
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