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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. StevoD


    Tony.r123 bought mine from me which i never fitted maybe try PM'ing him duno if he hs it on yet
  2. StevoD


    i had a aerokit lip on my lexus is200 fitted superbly
  3. Gutted as i dont think purple and silver will work with the look im after
  4. Get maoam with driftworks might have to buy something from clark just for free sweets
  5. Surprised your not getting some massive man sized stoppers
  6. Without tyres Japperformance.ie sell wheel of similar size works weds volk SSR etc in good condition for £1300-1900, Depending on the wheels scene status ie SSR SP1 demand a premium, But what you want is up to you but what the buyers think there worth can be two different things,
  7. although i agree with the above it is the reason the quality of the car scene in the uk is very poor compared to the likes of the Usa Canada Japan australia etc
  8. I think the xxr will look alright get her sitting low a Tarmac sides and rears and a lip jobs a good'un
  9. Vossen are a fair amount more than XXrs tho
  10. StevoD

    DPE Wheels

    why most of there time there on 50k plus cars
  11. So why is the jack still raised? it needs the full weight of the car on it for the suspension to settle, you need to get tyres fitted and drop it on its down weight, Also if your only doing one side and got the original wheel on the other side this will effect the way the car sits and will not help for the test fitting
  12. Same set up as Kyle and 350ad i think
  13. You dont need them its choice, it will work without. just the inside of your tyre will wear quicker than the rest
  14. Might aswell slap on a Laguna one whilst were at it
  15. Ive used the AA twice before never an issue arrived within 30-40 mins and spent and hour trying to fix it then ask if i wanted it relaying back home. i think the Problem with abroad is its all sub contracted out to local companies AA have nothing to do with it, and when at the 'Ring a friend had a big issue with his PS13 and because in the book its an 1980s nissan its worth less than £2000 so they would scrap it rather than get it back to the UK
  16. Online is @*!# anyway for when I have managed to get on its full of little kids who shoot you, you shoot back kill them then they kick you out
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