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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. does it not seem odd to kind of slate modified cars then an advert to a forum where people modify them?
  2. cambridge way mate and yea ive got the £500 ones
  3. i think the BGW aka Salad Bar Club potential members is growing tho
  4. hsd are fine been using em for a year now no issue
  5. StevoD

    How low can you go?

    Cheers pal looks a little different these days tho
  6. 22nd march first shake down of 2014 norfolk arena kings lynn lol
  7. these the same just taller? http://www.bycchina.com/index.php/cpzs/detail/id/38 and that company makes some lovely Bride bucket seats and momo steering wheels
  8. StevoD

    How low can you go?

    Thats from a crazy night of being chased and ran off the road by a white audi a4 and white fiat van damn the 112mph speed limiter
  9. StevoD

    How low can you go?

    Terry dont know user name i think is lowest think i must be top 10
  10. there the best i have tbh but im swapping down to 18"s again for this year
  11. no but then probs for the best 350z don't tend to do burnouts with out a few mods
  12. if your on about the mine there 19s but yea you could run them on the fronts if you got 9.5j fronts
  13. only thing is there not as wide as the megan
  14. hi guys sorry iv not be able to discusses stuff what about these two mega cheaps frp not carbon leg widths are 99/100cm which is about the full width of the rear window? http://www.showoffim...productid=42141 http://www.showoffim...productid=42142 or carbon version with same leg distance http://www.showoffim...productid=31236
  15. there trying to tell me correct way is to drill new holes and bolt to floor shame as I really wanted sprint fat bastid version
  16. Dont get aluminium ones
  17. StevoD

    B pillar brace

    well this is what im thinking but not sure on how much i trust it
  18. StevoD

    B pillar brace

    Anyone used anything like this before in there Zed? http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4ac1df54c0
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