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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. hmm knowbody ever stops and asks when we questioned it we were told its like going to santa pod a purchase of the ticket and swiping it through the gate was the same as signing a waiver saying you **** up its your own issue
  2. Isnt there some law along the lines of everyone who uses it uses it at there own risk?
  3. What a weekend hey well ive got the zed back on the road again for 2014 starting to prepare for drifting this year nothing major but the nismos are back on and got a Tarmac Sportz N1 lip on my drift bumper few weekend back got one of wasso spacers on made a huge difference to the drive imo car is having its new cat back fitted new week as well as engine/gearbox/diff lube change hopefully head down to abbey for the uprev next week, once the first shakedown at Norfolk is done i can get the BGW and rear diffuser on, and the search for new 'show' wheels starts Forgive the hipster pics im to lazy to not use instagram
  4. Not overly impressed with the Slander trying to make sound as a scammer, I cleaned the wheels fairly well granted there was some stubbon brake dust which didnt go with a bit of warm water and a old micro fiber but i didnt think i was expected to get them down to the detailers for a full valet as there where used, but dont make out i hadn't cleaned them to the point there wasn't visible Gouge on the tyre when cleaning i never noticed it, You say it wasnt in the advert you want the money back, lets take a step back and look at the advert and where this gouge appears to be in your image it looks to be on the inside? well when i put the wheels up for sale you can clearly see and was stated there on the car still so not sure even if i had be aware of it i could have told you, I didnt push or say i need ask for the money now or anything like that you turned up the 4 wheels where out all standing on there own nothing blocking them and i said there they are mate have a look, you had a look but seemed more interested in the roof spoiler you was buying aswell, i didnt force rush or anything your purchase you were open to walk away at any point, I check the forum just around top gear time to find messages saying you found floors with them etc which i have no evidence to say you haven't fitted them and clomped a pothole which you very happy telling me there where alot of in your area when discussing ride height of my car. and same for the scratch ive got no proof to say you havent smacked the wheel with tools when fitting, Although this is besides the point you bought the stillen roof spoiler and the rotas with tyres for £835 i have already offer the spoiler to other members who have asked at a fair price of £150 baring in mind i had the wheels up for £775 you paid in essence £685 for them and you still want £50 off i have never seen rota grids in 19s with tyres move for less than 750 regardless of the faults you seen to have discovered your end how much would you be willing to pay then as most sets of these wheels with tyres on this forum change hands at £900-£1000? Yes granted if they had been posted and someone found unknown faults i would look at the situation differently but you came stood in my garden and looked at them paid cash and went then messages me demanding money off as you found unknown faults which neither of us where aware of.
  5. hahaha gotta drive this afternoon so a few ciders are a nono
  6. its blue sky no cloud rather warm what you doing today im sitting looking at me zed with a drink waiting for Ninjaz to turn up
  7. StevoD


    this very true haha
  8. StevoD


    just for reference mine looked like yours on fitting this weekend 5 mins later
  9. Yea Zmanalex sorted mine out for me if bank 1 it rather easy i think bank 2 to really get to it you have to remove the Throttle body but its no real hardship
  10. Sounds the same as when I had a cam shaft sensor fail
  11. Im in royston but have never heard of a flower key
  12. if your trying to do burnouts you need to pull a fuse if your trying to do donuts/drift esp/vdc off is enough
  13. had a small convo with bizz he is snowed under he hasnt forgot about us all haha hes working day and night to get it sorted and he didnt meet the mapping schedule
  14. Im having this loads atm trying to get hold of corbeau for a price on some seats with logos put on seems impossible Few Graphic companies ive contacted non have replied
  15. Jordan in the same car as last year would love the new A class's to just storm the field tho, my issue with plato is its always someone else fault, i think he was extremely unprofessional what he said about redstones aron smith http://www.thecheckeredflag.co.uk/2012/09/motorbase-boss-bites-back-over-plato-comments/
  16. fair enough the system i had for my S14 used to rub and bang on the underside of the car and the one my mate got for his civic was about 6 inches to long for the car
  17. dare i say it toyosport is worse than japspeed
  18. ill be there from about 9:30 till 17:00 if weathers good
  19. Ill be down at Norfolk on a practice day first time with coilovers so will be interesting If your local pop down Spectating is free passenger band is £5
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