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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. im sorry but that makes me think of this im not saying you got a rusty truck just looks like its got that kinda face
  2. to use an old saying your girl were them sexy high heels that get you going it aint because there comfortable or practice
  3. i get tyres for free anything with less than 3mm as most garage have to pay to have them removed so giving them to me means there quids in and i have victims
  4. what is the rear tyre 275/35/19 or 275/40/19?
  5. Nope, the internal lip edge is different than the outer lip hmm ok back to the drawingboard
  6. is it like the bbs lm where the center can be fitted reversed which would give a bigger lip/negative offset
  7. hi mate, the rear centers are definately in the rears as they are slightly wider and bulkier than the fronts. plus the front wheels are sitting perfect. are each of the centers specifically designed for left and right side? If they are then no-one was to know as unfortunatley there were no markings or stickers on them due to a previous refurb. as the tyres are directional they are labelled up left and right so can only go on one side so i just fitted the wheels back on as per the tyre, but if hes put the right tyre on the left wheel and vice versa could this be the problem giving me massive offset? forgive me as i dont know alot about the gts but is it a 2 piece or 3 piece wheel
  8. yea looks alot better than crapspeed the bolts are to be hidden inside the mount
  9. Doesnt matter you will find you go threw anything less than a 235 quickly only rule id say is the sizes on the rear axle match
  10. Anygood? I think you got a wee Gay wing judging on the size of that box DAMN YOU GRUNDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. mines been delivered to house 56 signed by Salmon in Hampshire
  12. Mine wont be on for ace cafe thats a fact
  13. Thats odd you have 2mm more poke from the offset then my old set up and your out about 2 inches more the rear lip looks bigger than when on jays 370 if I recall who refurd em red they haven't mount the faces wrong way around giving you massive negative offset? Or some how got the rear centers in the front or something
  14. car on the right has 18x11 et8
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqDm3gZNZPM any good?
  16. My cars on its arse im 22 but still shelled out on a genuine Personal Wheel its fine putting your own life at risk but when you having a heavy drive and the metal sheers and you cant turn and go head on into a car carrying a family saying that anyone i hope then it clicks and rota are JWL VIa tested what safety testing certification does your wheel have?
  17. http://www.gumtree.com/p/cars-vans-motorbikes/mazda-3-16-ts-red-manual-taxed-and-tested/1052738655
  18. Cant you wait till the 21st haha when i have all the money haha
  19. we will become legends or laughing stocks hahah
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