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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. run the risk of it cracking and the wing coming loose which doing 70 on a motorway could end up in some varied results
  2. I said shiny exhaust plus like i said i have no funds at all... you could buy my ts though you cheeky barsteward
  3. your mad btw but for you or those potential interested can look epic
  4. http://www.cliftonrubber.co.uk/ these guys might be able to help you some rubber mounts
  5. wasnt the car up for car of the month last month?
  6. didnt know halfords did airplane parts soon i cannot mock
  7. just saw this and made me think of this
  8. i can see were your coming from but its not its a awesome colour if i ever get the zed resprayed im getting it done in nimbus grey
  9. car in the ebay ad is missing its nismo plaque if its real
  10. this may well be a repost from back in the days when the forum started but i couldnt find anything nissan promotion film for the 350z
  11. Exactly, its all a load of old horlicks. I can't imagine insuring a car that has had an engine swap and £15ks worth of upgrades to give it enough power to eat alive any GTR is going to be any more insurable than a stock GTR. but it is a gtt is it not hes just trying to pass it off as a gtr
  12. see im about 5 months overdue an upgrade as there nothing i want (currently got a sony xeperia t ) i had the HTC Desire HD which spent more time with HTC than it did me during my contract, so this was potential upgrade but surprise surprise same as every other mobile phone company in this decade the new model is the old model but with something better faster newer or bigger, i miss the last decade when every phone manufacturer did there own thing and new models had fresh designs and new features all sonys looks the same all samsungs looks the same all nokia etc etc are they all paying porsche to design them if it had looked like some of the fan concepts then it might be a bit more interesting
  13. im watching it now am i wrong but it looks 99% the same in design
  14. But isnt this just a update version of the htc one isnt there new flagship the HTC one 2 or HTC one Plus or what ever its going to be called now coming along for unveil in april?
  15. glad them wheels got changed them gtr-d look smart with the green tape
  16. cheers for the recommendation will look into getting some
  17. Get your finger out and post more pictures Is this a UK car???
  18. Absolutely and if your prospective is Vauxhalls are better, go get one, join the vauxhalls owners forum and share your passion with "like minded" owners exactly.... Whats faster round Track 350z or a vx220 Whats better on a long run from lands end to scotland a 350z or a insignia diesel Whats better on insurance a 350z or a corsa Whats better for taking your kids and there friends out to a birthday party a 350z or a zafira Whats better for towing a boat to the lake a Vauxhall frontera or a 350z Whats better for economy a 350z or a ampera Yea 350z are @*!# compared to vauxhalls who cares?! exactly the answer to everything and anything in this thread to be honest, some of you dont like the BGW going on peoples car who cares i dont like gangsta 20" wheels on 350z who cares People Give negative comments about your car WHO THE **** CARES
  19. Absolutely and if your prospective is Vauxhalls are better, go get one, join the vauxhalls owners forum and share your passion with "like minded" owners exactly.... Whats faster round Track 350z or a vx220 Whats better on a long run from lands end to scotland a 350z or a insignia diesel Whats better on insurance a 350z or a corsa Whats better for taking your kids and there friends out to a birthday party a 350z or a zafira Whats better for towing a boat to the lake a Vauxhall frontera or a 350z Whats better for economy a 350z or a ampera Yea 350z are @*!# compared to vauxhalls
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