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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. black center bronze lip
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen As part of the forum sponsoring Bizz 350z build here your personally chance to contribute to his 2014 season, But first a bit of a background check for those that have noticed the purple and blue logo popping up, Bizz me and Matt (Aliveboy) Have joined forced under the name Z Laboratories AKA Z-Labs as an unoffical Team for 350z Drifting i say unoffical as Bizz will have his own team in the British Drift Championship and other professional events he participates in, Where as Me And Matt will be Running the Fueltopia Barrel Sprint events and a few other events, For those who havent seen Bizzs livery has been done in the Z-labs colours, Z-labs as a unit has already received great support from the 350z-uk forum and staff, and from Tarmac Sportz But now Here is your chance to personally get involved, We will are releasing a Support the bizz Tshirt, Each T-shirt will cost £22.50 Delivered to mainland UK we can ship internationally but for obvious reason extra shipping costs will be involved, All proceeds from t-shirts will go towards Bizz 2014 Season, For this to work we will be working it like a group buy as making one off shirts for every order is extremely expensive and we dont have the facilitys to hold massive stocks, So on the last day of each month those that have paid for there shirts will get them printed and posted (First Print day will be April 30th) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 We can provide custom colour combo so if you want one to match your Zed maybe please PM and i will get a preview made up but for some colours prices my increase I know Bizz isnt getting on here much as hes slaving away over that LS3, but he wants to thank all 350z-UK members and traders for there support. Also thanks to Lexx and the rest of the 350z-UK team for letting us run this campaign. Please place orders via http://zlabs.bigcartel.com/
  3. Just thinking, you'll have a job of keeping it stain free, a lot of beautifully chromed exhausts get a nasty brown ish stain down the middle. so in others words they @*!# them selfs
  4. balls i forgot about this sorry dude will try and get some to night if your still intrested
  5. All about the BCL, XT206-R on the zeds the white supra is on the MR7 the Xt206 only comes in two sizes atm 18x9.5 and 18x11 the safest sizes in that wheel would be go 9.5 all round then run a staggered tyres sizes as these wheels are marketed at stance fans so as you can see below which has the 18x11 rear you need alot of camber But his car has the 18x11 front and rear so it is do able but lots of arch work and stretched tyres
  6. Maybe next season but for now ive got bizz old set up
  7. no there not the best there as good any other forged wheel by bbs rays advan hre etc etc
  8. 1 wheel in 18x10 et 12 on newera is £773.66 plus shipping import tax and vat and that in a 20% off sale
  9. think these retailed in the uk at about £6k a set when you could get them
  10. ^^^ haha people on here are going to hate my car when its done
  11. whats decent money?
  12. so we have it the plane crashed because grundy start stealing bits
  13. top gear has an interesting line considering the amount of complaints and moaning people do of it
  14. nothing like smoothing it over to your hole
  15. only advice i will give is 350z aint cheap if you come from a world of hondas or golf and buying wheels for £600 you going to be upset, you can get small wheels and spacers but it will never look as good as a good fitting set of rotas/varrsteon/cosmis if your doing it on a budget, speak with the traders on here they can hook you up with a set of wheel s in perfect sizes and offsets for your Z if these are what your looking http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/18-CRUIZE-190-STEALTH-ALLOY-WHEELS-FIT-BMW-5-SERIES-M5-E39-/280769313590 maybe the 3sdm 0.01 would be to your taste http://www.3sdm.co.uk/collection/collection-001.htm
  16. yea no worries will be later today
  17. i have one but its been painted silver
  18. would be easier just to mask of the bonnet and just run a black marker along the edge of the pads. oh so you will be moving it to the bonnet now and what
  19. mines not my daily but when drifting sunday for first time with the coilovers and ride height the tarmac sportz side diffusers ran the ground alot
  20. but is going to rip his exhaust off on anything bigger than a frog, it is a life style being low a lifestyle of being slow late and lots more miles, but does draw attention every were you go
  21. this is why ive raised mine about 2 inches now
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