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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. you can run a 40 and 40 on the front if you go with 245/275 be perfect
  2. lost prophets nickleback linking park fort minor Easy listening stuff
  3. my mazda and zed look like that morning and the ol mans WRX
  4. you still going for the Varrs? if so i hate you, your build my dream zed only reason im not now is bizz hooked up for 10 wheels supper cheap haha
  5. haha thats my work account my personal one i think says (9999+)
  6. yea i need some 245/40/18 245/45/18 whilst we at it haha and as many 245-265 18" that people need to get rid of for free must have some tread
  7. Parello have you been upto some sneeky skids without us knowing?? if so lets see some pics
  8. Stop telling me to slam it Just ordered some wheels, so once there on I can then line up the height.....and maybe slam it in the words of Snoopy D-o double gizzle "Drop it likes it hot"
  9. I hear rumors that hes going to joining the 350z skid squad
  10. wonder how plod would feel about you driving around with blades at leg height
  11. no pitty for him should have done his research hes not buyng a 1.6 focus hes building quite a rare sought after Japanese supercar, well he wanted to if he thought it was a gtr
  12. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/83319-nismo-style-380rs-rear-spoiler/
  13. yea it will be removed was going to fit it today but some how the blade has twisted so the feet dont sit level with each other so spent few hours trying to level it out its a shame as he stands now fit flush on the body but as soon as you put the stand plates on it doesnt sit well some got to use the nogging to come up with a plan was hoping to get on for ace cafe but it wont be now
  14. not fully fitted yet got to do alot of modification to the legs
  15. todays the day people get on itv4 first race in a few minutes going to be epic forget F1
  16. Ekona thinks anything other than OEM spec puts you in a bush.........upside down..........on fire ............ Sharing ice cream with the devil
  17. according to calculator the 9J +0et will go out a further 9mm than my current fronts 9.5j et15 running 255/35/19 which is already poking! I reckon I need at least 25mm tbh, will it be safe to run 5mm shims on top of 20mm hubcentrics? yea like i said youll need a skinner tyre if your running a 9 a 235 or maybe even a 225 will do it
  18. Its do able just might need to a slightly skinner tyre up front I ran 9.5 et 20 and it was in the arch by like 10mm so it should poke a lil but not much
  19. I have one pretty similar in carbon for not a lot if your interested Pm me some images over buddy
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