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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. See hes not in a ditch either and hes not on MPSS
  2. yea IT said they dont have a big enough screen so ive just set up a projector on the workshop wall
  3. and cheaper haha although it is large i do like the look of it but Vodafone don't deal with them
  4. ideally want something that fits in my pocket and doesnt require a suitcase to carry it in
  5. YAY im not the only one last 3-4 years of phone every sony looks the same every samsungs look like the past model same for nokia and iphones only difference and selling point is its got a 0.2" extra bigger screen and the ram has 1 extra GB lets sell it for 3x times the price of the old version, i honestly think when phone had there own operating systems they were more fun
  6. see think im going to try Kenda KR20 at only £57 a pop so there going to be better than yours and there Formula Drift Approved So i know my tyres are better than yours
  7. Chris did a great 4 part series on how to build a drift car which I was really impressed with, Ryan Tuerk featured a lot in it too. The only thing I didn't like was that they consider $7000 worth of car as a "missile car" yea most peoples main car in UK drifting is £4000 or £400 if you go to norfolk and essex arena, And like he says if you dont have a nice big shiney well built drift car your shitty missile car is actually just your normal drift car
  8. Guys im upgrading on vodafone at the weekend currently on a sony xperia which has now broken down, im a few months over due a upgrade and really dont know what i want so any advice, i wanna be able to use my google music, hate samsung, lumina is an option, i like the z10/30 blackberrys but no apps and ive had htc before and it spent more time with htc than it did me, and i fancy a change from sony, SO erm help! although im sure like tyre it comes down to everyone's favorite is what they just spent money on getting
  9. tell your an Ex-Dubber, personal its not for me but its not my car so
  10. i think we need The car customisation and car list from Midnightclub/NFSU handling physics of forza Location of the import tuner challenge series or street racing syndicate story line similar to LA rush would be a epic game
  11. no EA is all about the rivals @*!# now adays, i can see what they have said about the 'Ricer' stage has passed, but to be honest with you this is a better than NFSU anyway well for driving physics, just needs more steet cars and i dont mean hyper cars i mean more golf integra 350z classic muscle etc, and rumors of a new one this year for xbox one http://youtu.be/QpJpzFT8lGg
  12. StevoD

    Exhausts wanted

  13. So how can apply to get my Cats in Fart Cat? i feel parello's pain maybe the BGW can seduce them
  14. so how much for the likes of everything bar fuel in total?
  15. Don't be sorry I ageee looks good, hope it is as good as it looks Sent from the golf club... gutted the customization seems a bit pre set from videos of gamplay ive seen
  16. o aye into a bit group are we if its like america not alot of people actually watch the film Tried it in a zed?! Not happening in public no i have no girl to try it with haha
  17. if its like america not alot of people actually watch the film
  18. welcome along always wanted a EM1 but only ever had EJ9 when i was younger
  19. StevoD


    might be speculation from video games internet storys etc but can you get on the C1? is there any 'Street Racer' cars on it at night or anythign or am i dreaming haha
  20. Yes i have had them in them very sizes and there were bang on never ended up in a ditch or didn't not brake in time
  21. StevoD


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