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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. where in Cambridge? you dlive round cambridge? But yes Cambridge is horrific as a car driver and not wanting to sound racist 90% of people on bikes are foreign students who clearly have no idea about the Uk traffic laws as the just go any where dont look, you could be coming up behind one on the high street and they will just turn left in front of you to pop into a coffee shop and worst of all i have no idea why the Cambridge council bothered putting cycle lanes in as knowbody use them in cambridge everyone seems to cycle out side them, and heres a classic one for anyone from Cambridge The railway bridge near the beehive shopping center If you look to the left hand side of the road on the other side of the fence thats a path split with a white line one side for cyclists and one side for pedestrians and the road for cars, Guess what ive NEVER seen a cyclist on that cycle lane they all peddle up the hill on the road which is blooming steep at about 1mph allowing traffic to build up for the 3-4 minutes which in a place like Cambridge can be a mile along in that time it takes there ascent to the top, Anyone got any idea whys, as by god to it **** me off as you cant overtake there
  2. hmm do ludes make good track toys
  3. right ideas just not executed well
  4. Has the tow hook got the ID number on it as i cant see it
  5. apart from chris harris who sounds about excited as things as a marrow
  6. o fair enough im guessing our datsuns arnt welcome
  7. nice bit of exotica but why are m3s etc there
  8. im Employeed - Daytime Forum users sorry projects coordinator
  9. id rather watch top gear than fifth gear any day Although if im honest i really prefer top gear usa now
  10. i changed mine but only because i make use of my diff alot
  11. i wouldn't mind but if you click the link and look at the path where wooden fence is opposite the vectra its there there no green lanes and if you zoom out you can see these no real need to go that way on the map as the whole village is surrounded by fields https://www.google.co.uk/maps/search/dove+house+close+fowlmere/@52.090939,0.076071,3a,75y,318.51h,76.64t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sgBdFox4gTDeHpV-hNeFFVA!2e0
  12. driving the thread out the grave as mine has started making said clunk brake to a speed of 1-15mph lift of the brake pedal you get a thud/clunk threw the pedal, checked the pedal didn't notice anything odd had a quick nose at the caliper to see if it was loose some how nothing, looked at the brake servo didnt best way i could describe it is if you braked moved something forward lifted off then that second later what ever moved forward fell back and the impact was translated through the pedal
  13. think there back in Autumn
  14. i dunno there been a lump of horse @*!# in my village on my way to work on the path and it been there for a good month and its rained, Why people feel the need to walk a horse through a built up when there miles upon miles of field and green lanes about i just dont get
  15. your voting for the car not who owns it
  16. Me or Buster mate Not that we don't have a lot booked for this year already if your busy dont worry haha
  17. Im going to get so much shouting at for this but its the reason im here to a degree my choice are not because there the best film or the most oscar winning actors i just like there films There in no order of favoritism 1.Freedom Writers - based on a true story not action packaged but a good message 2. Gone in 60 Seconds first film i ever saw on dvd 3. Fast and the furious series (please let me have the series) as i love the bits like this and obviously the cars/driving 1. Paul Walker 2. Nicholas Cage 3. jason statham
  18. a cant possibly narrow it down to 3 film or 3 actors
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