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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Damn it, I wanted to say that! That is so damn sweet! You need to see it more of a fan work as apposed to a modified car. I think it's more for Shows/movie events as apposed to the Car Scene/daily drive i would still rather grate my penis than drive it tho
  2. They have a list of cars allow to join, Z33 not on it Oh well its their loss lol... yet lord march counts it
  3. i can meet half way if u cover mileage
  4. cheapest ones are nismo 370 money i hit post in the 23yo r8 thread and ended up here
  5. paris hilton kim kardashian tulisa
  6. true maxxis tyres bgw paul walker im a blitzdwn netto innit cuz
  7. Hmm whips the camera out now to go find something stupid and funny that will get a million views
  8. well ive been accused of over scoring before so i thought id really drop it
  9. i thin the Vip style look youve got doesnt work with a bgw IMO lose the wheels and get some wide track wheel then yea
  10. just some remember tyres site more square or wider than others like my khumo on my grids with a 10.5j and 275 had a little stretch tonyr123 falkens on same spec grids same size tyre where dead square and up right
  11. StevoD

    Front bumper

    keep yours on buy this fix it and spray it winner http://www.350z-uk.c...gracer-project/
  12. 1. Geordie French (ZXClub.net) - 1 Car - 1 Ticket 2. Mr HollowPoint/Alex (ZXClub.net) - 1 Car - 1 Ticket - 1 Track Session 3. Mrs HollowPoint/Rose (ZXClub.net) - 1 Car (HOPEFULLY! otherwise am a passenger) - 1 Ticket 4. Andy James (350z UK) - 1 car - 2 tickets - 3 track sessions please 5. Grundy225 (350z UK) - 1 Car - 2 Tickets - 2 Track Times 6. Aliveboy (350z UK) - 1 Car - 2 Tickets 7. IbanezDan51 (ZClub) - 1 Car - 2 tickets - 1 track 8. A9H-RX (350z UK) - 1 car - 2 Tickets (will pass on with the car if it sells)car 9.Stevod (350zuk) 1 x car 2 tickets, 1 track session ( one with grundy )
  13. i wonder if this what he was going for but didnt quite get there
  14. Wrap looks aweful if so i thought it was plastidip
  15. Tegs arnt cheap cars are they?? i always new them to be 2-3k minimum Runs off to ebay Stomps back cheapest £3999
  16. Track cars/bikes with decats etc lawnmowers dont pay tax so that argument is kinda invalid, which is another thing about cyclist i hate how they think they dont have to pay tax because they dont kick out emissions, although its called VED it is a road tax i can have a a 5.0 mustang as long as it sits on my land i can hold it on the red line and pollute all i want untaxed but as soon as a tyre touches the road its got be taxed, so its a tax for using the road
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